xref: /Universal-ctags/parsers/fortran.c (revision 2af7d8d3c5c912cc76b98d6c201b7b4599909b8f)
1 /*
2 *   Copyright (c) 1998-2003, Darren Hiebert
3 *
4 *   This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the
5 *   GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
6 *
7 *   This module contains functions for generating tags for Fortran language
8 *   files.
9 */
11 /*
13 */
14 #include "general.h"  /* must always come first */
16 #include <string.h>
17 #include <limits.h>
18 #include <ctype.h>  /* to define tolower () */
20 #include "debug.h"
21 #include "entry.h"
22 #include "keyword.h"
23 #include "options.h"
24 #include "parse.h"
25 #include "read.h"
26 #include "routines.h"
27 #include "vstring.h"
28 #include "xtag.h"
30 /*
31 *   MACROS
32 */
33 #define isident(c)              (isalnum(c) || (c) == '_')
34 #define isBlank(c)              (bool) (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
35 #define isType(token,t)         (bool) ((token)->type == (t))
36 #define isKeyword(token,k)      (bool) ((token)->keyword == (k))
37 #define isSecondaryKeyword(token,k)  (bool) ((token)->secondary == NULL ? \
38 	false : (token)->secondary->keyword == (k))
40 /*
42 */
43 /*  Used to designate type of line read in fixed source form.
44  */
45 typedef enum eFortranLineType {
53 } lineType;
55 /*  Used to specify type of keyword.
56  */
57 enum eKeywordId {
58 	KEYWORD_abstract,
59 	KEYWORD_allocatable,
60 	KEYWORD_assignment,
61 	KEYWORD_associate,
62 	KEYWORD_automatic,
63 	KEYWORD_bind,
64 	KEYWORD_block,
65 	KEYWORD_byte,
66 	KEYWORD_cexternal,
67 	KEYWORD_cglobal,
68 	KEYWORD_class,
69 	KEYWORD_character,
70 	KEYWORD_codimension,
71 	KEYWORD_common,
72 	KEYWORD_complex,
73 	KEYWORD_contains,
74 	KEYWORD_data,
75 	KEYWORD_deferred,
76 	KEYWORD_dimension,
77 	KEYWORD_dllexport,
78 	KEYWORD_dllimport,
79 	KEYWORD_do,
80 	KEYWORD_double,
81 	KEYWORD_elemental,
82 	KEYWORD_end,
83 	KEYWORD_entry,
84 	KEYWORD_enum,
85 	KEYWORD_enumerator,
86 	KEYWORD_equivalence,
87 	KEYWORD_extends,
88 	KEYWORD_external,
89 	KEYWORD_final,
90 	KEYWORD_forall,
91 	KEYWORD_format,
92 	KEYWORD_function,
93 	KEYWORD_generic,
94 	KEYWORD_if,
95 	KEYWORD_implicit,
96 	KEYWORD_import,
97 	KEYWORD_include,
98 	KEYWORD_inline,
99 	KEYWORD_integer,
100 	KEYWORD_intent,
101 	KEYWORD_interface,
102 	KEYWORD_intrinsic,
103 	KEYWORD_kind,
104 	KEYWORD_len,
105 	KEYWORD_logical,
106 	KEYWORD_map,
107 	KEYWORD_module,
108 	KEYWORD_namelist,
109 	KEYWORD_non_overridable,
110 	KEYWORD_nopass,
111 	KEYWORD_operator,
112 	KEYWORD_optional,
113 	KEYWORD_parameter,
114 	KEYWORD_pascal,
115 	KEYWORD_pass,
116 	KEYWORD_pexternal,
117 	KEYWORD_pglobal,
118 	KEYWORD_pointer,
119 	KEYWORD_precision,
120 	KEYWORD_private,
121 	KEYWORD_procedure,
122 	KEYWORD_program,
123 	KEYWORD_protected,
124 	KEYWORD_public,
125 	KEYWORD_pure,
126 	KEYWORD_real,
127 	KEYWORD_record,
128 	KEYWORD_recursive,
129 	KEYWORD_save,
130 	KEYWORD_select,
131 	KEYWORD_sequence,
132 	KEYWORD_static,
133 	KEYWORD_stdcall,
134 	KEYWORD_structure,
135 	KEYWORD_submodule,
136 	KEYWORD_subroutine,
137 	KEYWORD_target,
138 	KEYWORD_then,
139 	KEYWORD_type,
140 	KEYWORD_union,
141 	KEYWORD_use,
142 	KEYWORD_value,
143 	KEYWORD_virtual,
144 	KEYWORD_volatile,
145 	KEYWORD_where,
146 	KEYWORD_while
147 };
148 typedef int keywordId; /* to allow KEYWORD_NONE */
150 typedef enum eTokenType {
168 } tokenType;
170 typedef enum eTagType {
171 	TAG_UNDEFINED = -1,
175 	TAG_ENUM,
191 	TAG_COUNT  /* must be last */
192 } tagType;
194 typedef enum eImplementation {
200 } impType;
202 typedef struct sTokenInfo {
203 	tokenType type;
204 	keywordId keyword;
205 	tagType tag;
206 	vString* string;
207 	vString* parentType;
208 	vString* signature;
209 	impType implementation;
210 	bool isMethod;
211 	struct sTokenInfo *secondary;
212 	unsigned long lineNumber;
213 	MIOPos filePosition;
214 	bool anonymous;
215 } tokenInfo;
217 /*
219 */
221 static langType Lang_fortran;
222 static int Ungetc;
223 static unsigned int Column;
224 static bool FreeSourceForm;
225 static bool FreeSourceFormFound = false;
226 static bool ParsingString;
228 /* indexed by tagType */
229 static kindDefinition FortranKinds [] = {
230 	{ true,  'b', "blockData",  "block data"},
231 	{ true,  'c', "common",     "common blocks"},
232 	{ true,  'e', "entry",      "entry points"},
233 	{ true,  'E', "enum",       "enumerations"},
234 	{ true,  'f', "function",   "functions"},
235 	{ true,  'i', "interface",  "interface contents, generic names, and operators"},
236 	{ true,  'k', "component",  "type and structure components"},
237 	{ true,  'l', "label",      "labels"},
238 	{ false, 'L', "local",      "local, common block, and namelist variables"},
239 	{ true,  'm', "module",     "modules"},
240 	{ true,  'M', "method",     "type bound procedures"},
241 	{ true,  'n', "namelist",   "namelists"},
242 	{ true,  'N', "enumerator", "enumeration values"},
243 	{ true,  'p', "program",    "programs"},
244 	{ false, 'P', "prototype",  "subprogram prototypes"},
245 	{ true,  's', "subroutine", "subroutines"},
246 	{ true,  't', "type",       "derived types and structures"},
247 	{ true,  'v', "variable",   "program (global) and module variables"},
248 	{ true,  'S', "submodule",  "submodules"},
249 };
251 /* For definitions of Fortran 77 with extensions:
252  * http://www.fortran.com/fortran/F77_std/rjcnf0001.html
253  * http://scienide.uwaterloo.ca/MIPSpro7/007-2362-004/sgi_html/index.html
254  *
255  * For the Compaq Fortran Reference Manual:
256  * http://h18009.www1.hp.com/fortran/docs/lrm/dflrm.htm
257  */
259 static const keywordTable FortranKeywordTable [] = {
260 	/* keyword          keyword ID */
261 	{ "abstract",       KEYWORD_abstract     },
262 	{ "allocatable",    KEYWORD_allocatable  },
263 	{ "assignment",     KEYWORD_assignment   },
264 	{ "associate",      KEYWORD_associate    },
265 	{ "automatic",      KEYWORD_automatic    },
266 	{ "bind",           KEYWORD_bind         },
267 	{ "block",          KEYWORD_block        },
268 	{ "byte",           KEYWORD_byte         },
269 	{ "cexternal",      KEYWORD_cexternal    },
270 	{ "cglobal",        KEYWORD_cglobal      },
271 	{ "class",          KEYWORD_class        },
272 	{ "character",      KEYWORD_character    },
273 	{ "codimension",    KEYWORD_codimension  },
274 	{ "common",         KEYWORD_common       },
275 	{ "complex",        KEYWORD_complex      },
276 	{ "contains",       KEYWORD_contains     },
277 	{ "data",           KEYWORD_data         },
278 	{ "deferred",       KEYWORD_deferred     },
279 	{ "dimension",      KEYWORD_dimension    },
280 	{ "dll_export",     KEYWORD_dllexport    },
281 	{ "dll_import",     KEYWORD_dllimport    },
282 	{ "do",             KEYWORD_do           },
283 	{ "double",         KEYWORD_double       },
284 	{ "elemental",      KEYWORD_elemental    },
285 	{ "end",            KEYWORD_end          },
286 	{ "entry",          KEYWORD_entry        },
287 	{ "enum",           KEYWORD_enum         },
288 	{ "enumerator",     KEYWORD_enumerator   },
289 	{ "equivalence",    KEYWORD_equivalence  },
290 	{ "extends",        KEYWORD_extends      },
291 	{ "external",       KEYWORD_external     },
292 	{ "final",          KEYWORD_final        },
293 	{ "forall",         KEYWORD_forall       },
294 	{ "format",         KEYWORD_format       },
295 	{ "function",       KEYWORD_function     },
296 	{ "generic",        KEYWORD_generic      },
297 	{ "if",             KEYWORD_if           },
298 	{ "implicit",       KEYWORD_implicit     },
299 	{ "import",         KEYWORD_import       },
300 	{ "include",        KEYWORD_include      },
301 	{ "inline",         KEYWORD_inline       },
302 	{ "integer",        KEYWORD_integer      },
303 	{ "intent",         KEYWORD_intent       },
304 	{ "interface",      KEYWORD_interface    },
305 	{ "intrinsic",      KEYWORD_intrinsic    },
306 	{ "kind",           KEYWORD_kind         },
307 	{ "len",            KEYWORD_len          },
308 	{ "logical",        KEYWORD_logical      },
309 	{ "map",            KEYWORD_map          },
310 	{ "module",         KEYWORD_module       },
311 	{ "namelist",       KEYWORD_namelist     },
312 	{ "non_overridable", KEYWORD_non_overridable },
313 	{ "nopass",         KEYWORD_nopass       },
314 	{ "operator",       KEYWORD_operator     },
315 	{ "optional",       KEYWORD_optional     },
316 	{ "parameter",      KEYWORD_parameter    },
317 	{ "pascal",         KEYWORD_pascal       },
318 	{ "pass",           KEYWORD_pass         },
319 	{ "pexternal",      KEYWORD_pexternal    },
320 	{ "pglobal",        KEYWORD_pglobal      },
321 	{ "pointer",        KEYWORD_pointer      },
322 	{ "precision",      KEYWORD_precision    },
323 	{ "private",        KEYWORD_private      },
324 	{ "procedure",      KEYWORD_procedure    },
325 	{ "program",        KEYWORD_program      },
326 	{ "protected",      KEYWORD_protected    },
327 	{ "public",         KEYWORD_public       },
328 	{ "pure",           KEYWORD_pure         },
329 	{ "real",           KEYWORD_real         },
330 	{ "record",         KEYWORD_record       },
331 	{ "recursive",      KEYWORD_recursive    },
332 	{ "save",           KEYWORD_save         },
333 	{ "select",         KEYWORD_select       },
334 	{ "sequence",       KEYWORD_sequence     },
335 	{ "static",         KEYWORD_static       },
336 	{ "stdcall",        KEYWORD_stdcall      },
337 	{ "structure",      KEYWORD_structure    },
338 	{ "submodule",      KEYWORD_submodule   },
339 	{ "subroutine",     KEYWORD_subroutine   },
340 	{ "target",         KEYWORD_target       },
341 	{ "then",           KEYWORD_then         },
342 	{ "type",           KEYWORD_type         },
343 	{ "union",          KEYWORD_union        },
344 	{ "use",            KEYWORD_use          },
345 	{ "value",          KEYWORD_value        },
346 	{ "virtual",        KEYWORD_virtual      },
347 	{ "volatile",       KEYWORD_volatile     },
348 	{ "where",          KEYWORD_where        },
349 	{ "while",          KEYWORD_while        }
350 };
352 static struct {
353 	unsigned int count;
354 	unsigned int max;
355 	tokenInfo* list;
356 } Ancestors = { 0, 0, NULL };
358 /*
360 */
361 static void parseStructureStmt (tokenInfo *const token);
362 static void parseUnionStmt (tokenInfo *const token);
363 static void parseDerivedTypeDef (tokenInfo *const token);
364 static void parseSubprogram (tokenInfo *const token);
366 /*
368 */
ancestorPush(tokenInfo * const token)370 static void ancestorPush (tokenInfo *const token)
371 {
372 	enum { incrementalIncrease = 10 };
373 	if (Ancestors.list == NULL)
374 	{
375 		Assert (Ancestors.max == 0);
376 		Ancestors.count = 0;
377 		Ancestors.max   = incrementalIncrease;
378 		Ancestors.list  = xMalloc (Ancestors.max, tokenInfo);
379 	}
380 	else if (Ancestors.count == Ancestors.max)
381 	{
382 		Ancestors.max += incrementalIncrease;
383 		Ancestors.list = xRealloc (Ancestors.list, Ancestors.max, tokenInfo);
384 	}
385 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count] = *token;
386 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].string = vStringNewCopy (token->string);
387 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].signature = token->signature? vStringNewCopy (token->signature): NULL;
388 	Ancestors.count++;
389 }
ancestorPop(void)391 static void ancestorPop (void)
392 {
393 	Assert (Ancestors.count > 0);
394 	--Ancestors.count;
395 	vStringDelete (Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].string);
396 	vStringDelete (Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].signature);
398 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].type       = TOKEN_UNDEFINED;
399 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].keyword    = KEYWORD_NONE;
400 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].secondary  = NULL;
401 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].tag        = TAG_UNDEFINED;
402 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].string     = NULL;
403 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].lineNumber = 0L;
404 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].implementation = IMP_DEFAULT;
405 	Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count].isMethod   = false;
406 }
ancestorScope(void)408 static const tokenInfo* ancestorScope (void)
409 {
410 	tokenInfo *result = NULL;
411 	unsigned int i;
412 	for (i = Ancestors.count  ;  i > 0  &&  result == NULL ;  --i)
413 	{
414 		tokenInfo *const token = Ancestors.list + i - 1;
415 		if (token->type == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER &&
416 			token->tag != TAG_UNDEFINED)
417 			result = token;
418 	}
419 	return result;
420 }
ancestorTop(void)422 static const tokenInfo* ancestorTop (void)
423 {
424 	Assert (Ancestors.count > 0);
425 	return &Ancestors.list [Ancestors.count - 1];
426 }
428 #define ancestorCount() (Ancestors.count)
ancestorClear(void)430 static void ancestorClear (void)
431 {
432 	while (Ancestors.count > 0)
433 		ancestorPop ();
434 	if (Ancestors.list != NULL)
435 		eFree (Ancestors.list);
436 	Ancestors.list = NULL;
437 	Ancestors.count = 0;
438 	Ancestors.max = 0;
439 }
insideInterface(void)441 static bool insideInterface (void)
442 {
443 	bool result = false;
444 	unsigned int i;
445 	for (i = 0  ;  i < Ancestors.count && !result ;  ++i)
446 	{
447 		if (Ancestors.list [i].tag == TAG_INTERFACE)
448 			result = true;
449 	}
450 	return result;
451 }
453 /*
454 *   Tag generation functions
455 */
newToken(void)456 static tokenInfo *newToken (void)
457 {
458 	tokenInfo *const token = xMalloc (1, tokenInfo);
460 	token->type         = TOKEN_UNDEFINED;
461 	token->keyword      = KEYWORD_NONE;
462 	token->tag          = TAG_UNDEFINED;
463 	token->string       = vStringNew ();
464 	token->secondary    = NULL;
465 	token->parentType   = NULL;
466 	token->signature    = NULL;
467 	token->implementation = IMP_DEFAULT;
468 	token->isMethod     = false;
469 	token->lineNumber   = getInputLineNumber ();
470 	token->filePosition = getInputFilePosition ();
471 	token->anonymous    = false;
473 	return token;
474 }
newTokenFromFull(tokenInfo * const token,bool copyStr)476 static tokenInfo *newTokenFromFull (tokenInfo *const token, bool copyStr)
477 {
478 	tokenInfo *result = xMalloc (1, tokenInfo);
479 	*result = *token;
480 	result->string = copyStr? vStringNewCopy (token->string): vStringNew();
481 	token->secondary = NULL;
482 	token->parentType = NULL;
483 	token->signature = NULL;
484 	return result;
485 }
newTokenFrom(tokenInfo * const token)487 static tokenInfo *newTokenFrom (tokenInfo *const token)
488 {
489 	return newTokenFromFull (token, true);
490 }
newAnonTokenFrom(tokenInfo * const token,unsigned int uTagKind)492 static tokenInfo *newAnonTokenFrom (tokenInfo *const token, unsigned int uTagKind)
493 {
494 	tokenInfo *result = newTokenFromFull (token, false);
495 	result->anonymous = true;
496 	anonGenerate (result->string, "__anon", uTagKind);
497 	return result;
498 }
deleteToken(tokenInfo * const token)500 static void deleteToken (tokenInfo *const token)
501 {
502 	if (token != NULL)
503 	{
504 		vStringDelete (token->string);
505 		vStringDelete (token->parentType);
506 		vStringDelete (token->signature);
507 		deleteToken (token->secondary);
508 		token->secondary = NULL;
509 		eFree (token);
510 	}
511 }
isFileScope(const tagType type)513 static bool isFileScope (const tagType type)
514 {
515 	return (bool) (type == TAG_LABEL || type == TAG_LOCAL);
516 }
includeTag(const tagType type)518 static bool includeTag (const tagType type)
519 {
520 	bool include;
521 	Assert (type != TAG_UNDEFINED);
522 	include = FortranKinds [(int) type].enabled;
523 	if (include && isFileScope (type))
524 		include = isXtagEnabled(XTAG_FILE_SCOPE);
525 	return include;
526 }
implementationString(const impType imp)528 static const char *implementationString (const impType imp)
529 {
530 	static const char *const names [] ={
531 		"?", "abstract", "deferred", "non_overridable"
532 	};
533 	Assert (ARRAY_SIZE (names) == IMP_COUNT);
534 	Assert ((int) imp < IMP_COUNT);
535 	return names [(int) imp];
536 }
makeFortranTag(tokenInfo * const token,tagType tag)538 static void makeFortranTag (tokenInfo *const token, tagType tag)
539 {
540 	token->tag = tag;
541 	if (includeTag (token->tag))
542 	{
543 		const char *const name = vStringValue (token->string);
544 		tagEntryInfo e;
546 		initTagEntry (&e, name, token->tag);
548 		if (token->tag == TAG_COMMON_BLOCK)
549 			e.lineNumberEntry = canUseLineNumberAsLocator();
551 		if (token->anonymous)
552 			markTagExtraBit (&e, XTAG_ANONYMOUS);
554 		e.lineNumber	= token->lineNumber;
555 		e.filePosition	= token->filePosition;
556 		e.isFileScope	= isFileScope (token->tag);
557 		if (e.isFileScope)
558 			markTagExtraBit (&e, XTAG_FILE_SCOPE);
559 		e.truncateLineAfterTag = (bool) (token->tag != TAG_LABEL);
561 		if (ancestorCount () > 0)
562 		{
563 			const tokenInfo* const scope = ancestorScope ();
564 			if (scope != NULL)
565 			{
566 				e.extensionFields.scopeKindIndex = scope->tag;
567 				e.extensionFields.scopeName = vStringValue (scope->string);
568 			}
569 		}
570 		if (token->parentType != NULL &&
571 		    vStringLength (token->parentType) > 0 &&
572 		    (token->tag == TAG_DERIVED_TYPE || (token->tag == TAG_SUBMODULE)))
573 			e.extensionFields.inheritance = vStringValue (token->parentType);
574 		if (token->implementation != IMP_DEFAULT)
575 			e.extensionFields.implementation =
576 				implementationString (token->implementation);
577 		if (token->signature &&
578 			vStringLength (token->signature) > 0 &&
579 			(token->tag == TAG_FUNCTION ||
580 			 token->tag == TAG_SUBROUTINE ||
581 			 token->tag == TAG_PROTOTYPE))
582 			e.extensionFields.signature = vStringValue (token->signature);
583 		makeTagEntry (&e);
584 	}
585 }
587 /*
588 *   Parsing functions
589 */
skipLine(void)591 static int skipLine (void)
592 {
593 	int c;
595 	do
596 		c = getcFromInputFile ();
597 	while (c != EOF  &&  c != '\n');
599 	return c;
600 }
makeLabelTag(vString * const label)602 static void makeLabelTag (vString *const label)
603 {
604 	tokenInfo *token = newToken ();
605 	token->type  = TOKEN_LABEL;
606 	vStringCopy (token->string, label);
607 	makeFortranTag (token, TAG_LABEL);
608 	deleteToken (token);
609 }
getLineType(void)611 static lineType getLineType (void)
612 {
613 	static vString *label = NULL;
614 	int column = 0;
615 	lineType type = LTYPE_UNDETERMINED;
617 	label = vStringNewOrClear (label);
618 	do  /* read in first 6 "margin" characters */
619 	{
620 		int c = getcFromInputFile ();
622 		/* 3.2.1  Comment_Line.  A comment line is any line that contains
623 		 * a C or an asterisk in column 1, or contains only blank characters
624 		 * in  columns 1 through 72.  A comment line that contains a C or
625 		 * an asterisk in column 1 may contain any character capable  of
626 		 * representation in the processor in columns 2 through 72.
627 		 */
628 		/*  EXCEPTION! Some compilers permit '!' as a comment character here.
629 		 *
630 		 *  Treat # and $ in column 1 as comment to permit preprocessor directives.
631 		 *  Treat D and d in column 1 as comment for HP debug statements.
632 		 */
633 		if (column == 0  &&  strchr ("*Cc!#$Dd", c) != NULL)
634 			type = LTYPE_COMMENT;
635 		else if (c == '\t')  /* EXCEPTION! Some compilers permit a tab here */
636 		{
637 			column = 8;
638 			type = LTYPE_INITIAL;
639 		}
640 		else if (column == 5)
641 		{
642 			/* 3.2.2  Initial_Line.  An initial line is any line that is not
643 			 * a comment line and contains the character blank or the digit 0
644 			 * in column 6.  Columns 1 through 5 may contain a statement label
645 			 * (3.4), or each of the columns 1 through 5 must contain the
646 			 * character blank.
647 			 */
648 			if (c == ' '  ||  c == '0')
649 				type = LTYPE_INITIAL;
651 			/* 3.2.3  Continuation_Line.  A continuation line is any line that
652 			 * contains any character of the FORTRAN character set other than
653 			 * the character blank or the digit 0 in column 6 and contains
654 			 * only blank characters in columns 1 through 5.
655 			 */
656 			else if (vStringLength (label) == 0)
657 				type = LTYPE_CONTINUATION;
658 			else
659 				type = LTYPE_INVALID;
660 		}
661 		else if (c == ' ')
662 			;
663 		else if (c == EOF)
664 			type = LTYPE_EOF;
665 		else if (c == '\n')
666 			type = LTYPE_SHORT;
667 		else if (isdigit (c))
668 			vStringPut (label, c);
669 		else
670 			type = LTYPE_INVALID;
672 		++column;
673 	} while (column < 6  &&  type == LTYPE_UNDETERMINED);
675 	Assert (type != LTYPE_UNDETERMINED);
677 	if (vStringLength (label) > 0)
678 		makeLabelTag (label);
679 	return type;
680 }
getFixedFormChar(void)682 static int getFixedFormChar (void)
683 {
684 	bool newline = false;
685 	lineType type;
686 	int c = '\0';
688 	if (Column > 0)
689 	{
691 		/*  EXCEPTION! Some compilers permit more than 72 characters per line.
692 		 */
693 		if (Column > 71)
694 			c = skipLine ();
695 		else
696 #endif
697 		{
698 			c = getcFromInputFile ();
699 			++Column;
700 		}
701 		if (c == '\n')
702 		{
703 			newline = true;  /* need to check for continuation line */
704 			Column = 0;
705 		}
706 		else if (c == '!'  &&  ! ParsingString)
707 		{
708 			c = skipLine ();
709 			newline = true;  /* need to check for continuation line */
710 			Column = 0;
711 		}
712 		else if (c == '&')  /* check for free source form */
713 		{
714 			const int c2 = getcFromInputFile ();
715 			if (c2 == '\n')
716 				FreeSourceFormFound = true;
717 			else
718 				ungetcToInputFile (c2);
719 		}
720 	}
721 	while (Column == 0)
722 	{
723 		type = getLineType ();
724 		switch (type)
725 		{
727 			case LTYPE_INVALID:
728 				FreeSourceFormFound = true;
729 				if (! FreeSourceForm)
730 				    return EOF;
732 			case LTYPE_SHORT: break;
733 			case LTYPE_COMMENT: skipLine (); break;
735 			case LTYPE_EOF:
736 				Column = 6;
737 				if (newline)
738 					c = '\n';
739 				else
740 					c = EOF;
741 				break;
743 			case LTYPE_INITIAL:
744 				if (newline)
745 				{
746 					c = '\n';
747 					Column = 6;
748 					break;
749 				}
750 				/* fall through to next case */
752 				Column = 5;
753 				do
754 				{
755 					c = getcFromInputFile ();
756 					++Column;
757 				} while (isBlank (c));
758 				if (c == '\n')
759 					Column = 0;
760 				else if (Column > 6)
761 				{
762 					ungetcToInputFile (c);
763 					c = ' ';
764 				}
765 				break;
767 			default:
768 				Assert ("Unexpected line type" == NULL);
769 		}
770 	}
771 	return c;
772 }
skipToNextLine(void)774 static int skipToNextLine (void)
775 {
776 	int c = skipLine ();
777 	if (c != EOF)
778 		c = getcFromInputFile ();
779 	return c;
780 }
getFreeFormChar(void)782 static int getFreeFormChar (void)
783 {
784 	static bool newline = true;
785 	bool advanceLine = false;
786 	int c = getcFromInputFile ();
788 	/* If the last nonblank, non-comment character of a FORTRAN 90
789 	 * free-format text line is an ampersand then the next non-comment
790 	 * line is a continuation line.
791 	 */
792 	if (c == '&')
793 	{
794 		do
795 			c = getcFromInputFile ();
796 		while (isspace (c)  &&  c != '\n');
797 		if (c == '\n')
798 		{
799 			newline = true;
800 			advanceLine = true;
801 		}
802 		else if (c == '!')
803 			advanceLine = true;
804 		else
805 		{
806 			ungetcToInputFile (c);
807 			c = '&';
808 		}
809 	}
810 	else if (newline && (c == '!' || c == '#'))
811 		advanceLine = true;
812 	while (advanceLine)
813 	{
814 		while (isspace (c))
815 			c = getcFromInputFile ();
816 		if (c == '!' || (newline && c == '#'))
817 		{
818 			c = skipToNextLine ();
819 			newline = true;
820 			continue;
821 		}
822 		if (c == '&')
823 			c = getcFromInputFile ();
824 		else
825 			advanceLine = false;
826 	}
827 	newline = (bool) (c == '\n');
828 	return c;
829 }
getChar(void)831 static int getChar (void)
832 {
833 	int c;
835 	if (Ungetc != '\0')
836 	{
837 		c = Ungetc;
838 		Ungetc = '\0';
839 	}
840 	else if (FreeSourceForm)
841 		c = getFreeFormChar ();
842 	else
843 		c = getFixedFormChar ();
844 	return c;
845 }
ungetChar(const int c)847 static void ungetChar (const int c)
848 {
849 	Ungetc = c;
850 }
852 /*  If a numeric is passed in 'c', this is used as the first digit of the
853  *  numeric being parsed.
854  */
parseInteger(int c)855 static vString *parseInteger (int c)
856 {
857 	vString *string = vStringNew ();
859 	if (c == '-')
860 	{
861 		vStringPut (string, c);
862 		c = getChar ();
863 	}
864 	else if (! isdigit (c))
865 		c = getChar ();
866 	while (c != EOF  &&  isdigit (c))
867 	{
868 		vStringPut (string, c);
869 		c = getChar ();
870 	}
872 	if (c == '_')
873 	{
874 		do
875 			c = getChar ();
876 		while (c != EOF  &&  isalpha (c));
877 	}
878 	ungetChar (c);
880 	return string;
881 }
parseNumeric(int c)883 static vString *parseNumeric (int c)
884 {
885 	vString *string = parseInteger (c);
887 	c = getChar ();
888 	if (c == '.')
889 	{
890 		vString *integer = parseInteger ('\0');
891 		vStringPut (string, c);
892 		vStringCat (string, integer);
893 		vStringDelete (integer);
894 		c = getChar ();
895 	}
896 	if (tolower (c) == 'e')
897 	{
898 		vString *integer = parseInteger ('\0');
899 		vStringPut (string, c);
900 		vStringCat (string, integer);
901 		vStringDelete (integer);
902 	}
903 	else
904 		ungetChar (c);
906 	return string;
907 }
parseString(vString * const string,const int delimiter)909 static void parseString (vString *const string, const int delimiter)
910 {
911 	const unsigned long inputLineNumber = getInputLineNumber ();
912 	int c;
913 	ParsingString = true;
914 	c = getChar ();
915 	while (c != delimiter  &&  c != '\n'  &&  c != EOF)
916 	{
917 		vStringPut (string, c);
918 		c = getChar ();
919 	}
920 	if (c == '\n'  ||  c == EOF)
921 	{
922 		verbose ("%s: unterminated character string at line %lu\n",
923 				getInputFileName (), inputLineNumber);
924 		if (c != EOF && ! FreeSourceForm)
925 			FreeSourceFormFound = true;
926 	}
927 	ParsingString = false;
928 }
930 /*  Read a C identifier beginning with "firstChar" and places it into "name".
931  */
parseIdentifier(vString * const string,const int firstChar)932 static void parseIdentifier (vString *const string, const int firstChar)
933 {
934 	int c = firstChar;
936 	do
937 	{
938 		vStringPut (string, c);
939 		c = getChar ();
940 	} while (isident (c));
942 	ungetChar (c);  /* unget non-identifier character */
943 }
checkForLabel(void)945 static void checkForLabel (void)
946 {
947 	tokenInfo* token = NULL;
948 	int length;
949 	int c;
951 	do
952 		c = getChar ();
953 	while (isBlank (c));
955 	for (length = 0  ;  isdigit (c)  &&  length < 5  ;  ++length)
956 	{
957 		if (token == NULL)
958 		{
959 			token = newToken ();
960 			token->type = TOKEN_LABEL;
961 		}
962 		vStringPut (token->string, c);
963 		c = getChar ();
964 	}
965 	if (length > 0  &&  token != NULL)
966 	{
967 		makeFortranTag (token, TAG_LABEL);
968 		deleteToken (token);
969 	}
970 	ungetChar (c);
971 }
readIdentifier(tokenInfo * const token,const int c)973 static void readIdentifier (tokenInfo *const token, const int c)
974 {
975 	parseIdentifier (token->string, c);
976 	token->keyword = lookupCaseKeyword (vStringValue (token->string), Lang_fortran);
977 	if (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_NONE))
978 		token->type = TOKEN_KEYWORD;
979 	else
980 	{
981 		token->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
982 		if (strncmp (vStringValue (token->string), "end", 3) == 0)
983 		{
984 			vString *const sub = vStringNewInit (vStringValue (token->string) + 3);
985 			const keywordId kw = lookupCaseKeyword (vStringValue (sub), Lang_fortran);
986 			vStringDelete (sub);
987 			if (kw != KEYWORD_NONE)
988 			{
989 				token->secondary = newToken ();
990 				token->secondary->type = TOKEN_KEYWORD;
991 				token->secondary->keyword = kw;
992 				token->keyword = KEYWORD_end;
993 			}
994 		}
995 	}
996 }
readToken(tokenInfo * const token)998 static void readToken (tokenInfo *const token)
999 {
1000 	int c;
1002 	deleteToken (token->secondary);
1003 	token->type        = TOKEN_UNDEFINED;
1004 	token->tag         = TAG_UNDEFINED;
1005 	token->keyword     = KEYWORD_NONE;
1006 	token->secondary   = NULL;
1007 	token->implementation = IMP_DEFAULT;
1008 	vStringClear (token->string);
1009 	vStringDelete (token->parentType);
1010 	vStringDelete (token->signature);
1011 	token->parentType = NULL;
1012 	token->isMethod = false;
1013 	token->signature = NULL;
1015 getNextChar:
1016 	c = getChar ();
1018 	token->lineNumber	= getInputLineNumber ();
1019 	token->filePosition	= getInputFilePosition ();
1021 	switch (c)
1022 	{
1023 		case EOF:  token->type = TOKEN_EOF;         break;
1024 		case ' ':  goto getNextChar;
1025 		case '\t': goto getNextChar;
1026 		case ',':  token->type = TOKEN_COMMA;       break;
1027 		case '(':  token->type = TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN;  break;
1028 		case ')':  token->type = TOKEN_PAREN_CLOSE; break;
1029 		case '[':  token->type = TOKEN_SQUARE_OPEN; break;
1030 		case ']':  token->type = TOKEN_SQUARE_CLOSE; break;
1031 		case '%':  token->type = TOKEN_PERCENT;     break;
1033 		case '*':
1034 		case '/':
1035 		case '+':
1036 		case '-':
1037 		case '=':
1038 		case '<':
1039 		case '>':
1040 		{
1041 			const char *const operatorChars = "*/+=<>";
1042 			do {
1043 				vStringPut (token->string, c);
1044 				c = getChar ();
1045 			} while (strchr (operatorChars, c) != NULL);
1046 			ungetChar (c);
1047 			token->type = TOKEN_OPERATOR;
1048 			break;
1049 		}
1051 		case '!':
1052 			if (FreeSourceForm)
1053 			{
1054 				do
1055 				   c = getChar ();
1056 				while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);
1057 			}
1058 			else
1059 			{
1060 				skipLine ();
1061 				Column = 0;
1062 			}
1063 			/* fall through to newline case */
1064 		case '\n':
1065 			token->type = TOKEN_STATEMENT_END;
1066 			if (FreeSourceForm)
1067 				checkForLabel ();
1068 			break;
1070 		case '.':
1071 			parseIdentifier (token->string, c);
1072 			c = getChar ();
1073 			if (c == '.')
1074 			{
1075 				vStringPut (token->string, c);
1076 				token->type = TOKEN_OPERATOR;
1077 			}
1078 			else
1079 			{
1080 				ungetChar (c);
1081 				token->type = TOKEN_UNDEFINED;
1082 			}
1083 			break;
1085 		case '"':
1086 		case '\'':
1087 			parseString (token->string, c);
1088 			token->type = TOKEN_STRING;
1089 			break;
1091 		case ';':
1092 			token->type = TOKEN_STATEMENT_END;
1093 			break;
1095 		case ':':
1096 			c = getChar ();
1097 			if (c == ':')
1098 				token->type = TOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON;
1099 			else
1100 			{
1101 				ungetChar (c);
1102 				token->type = TOKEN_COLON;
1103 			}
1104 			break;
1106 		default:
1107 			if (isalpha (c))
1108 				readIdentifier (token, c);
1109 			else if (isdigit (c))
1110 			{
1111 				vString *numeric = parseNumeric (c);
1112 				vStringCat (token->string, numeric);
1113 				vStringDelete (numeric);
1114 				token->type = TOKEN_NUMERIC;
1115 			}
1116 			else
1117 				token->type = TOKEN_UNDEFINED;
1118 			break;
1119 	}
1120 }
readSubToken(tokenInfo * const token)1122 static void readSubToken (tokenInfo *const token)
1123 {
1124 	if (token->secondary == NULL)
1125 	{
1126 		token->secondary = newToken ();
1127 		readToken (token->secondary);
1128 	}
1129 }
1131 /*
1132 *   Scanning functions
1133 */
skipToToken(tokenInfo * const token,tokenType type)1135 static void skipToToken (tokenInfo *const token, tokenType type)
1136 {
1137 	while (! isType (token, type) && ! isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END) &&
1138 			!(token->secondary != NULL && isType (token->secondary, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END)) &&
1139 			! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF))
1140 		readToken (token);
1141 }
skipPast(tokenInfo * const token,tokenType type)1143 static void skipPast (tokenInfo *const token, tokenType type)
1144 {
1145 	skipToToken (token, type);
1146 	if (! isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END))
1147 		readToken (token);
1148 }
skipToNextStatement(tokenInfo * const token)1150 static void skipToNextStatement (tokenInfo *const token)
1151 {
1152 	do
1153 	{
1154 		skipToToken (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END);
1155 		readToken (token);
1156 	} while (isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END));
1157 }
1159 /* skip over paired tokens, managing nested pairs and stopping at statement end
1160  * or right after closing token, whatever comes first.
1161  */
skipOverPairsFull(tokenInfo * const token,tokenType topen,tokenType tclose,void (* token_cb)(tokenInfo * const,void *),void * user_data)1162 static void skipOverPairsFull (tokenInfo *const token,
1163 							   tokenType topen,
1164 							   tokenType tclose,
1165 							   void (* token_cb) (tokenInfo *const, void *),
1166 							   void *user_data)
1167 {
1168 	int level = 0;
1169 	do {
1170 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END))
1171 			break;
1172 		else if (isType (token, topen))
1173 			++level;
1174 		else if (isType (token, tclose))
1175 			--level;
1176 		else if (token_cb)
1177 			token_cb (token, user_data);
1178 		readToken (token);
1179 	} while (level > 0 && !isType (token, TOKEN_EOF));
1180 }
skipOverParensFull(tokenInfo * const token,void (* token_cb)(tokenInfo * const,void *),void * user_data)1182 static void skipOverParensFull (tokenInfo *const token,
1183 								void (* token_cb) (tokenInfo *const, void *),
1184 								void *user_data)
1185 {
1186 	skipOverPairsFull (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN,
1187 					   TOKEN_PAREN_CLOSE,
1188 					   token_cb, user_data);
1189 }
skipOverSquaresFull(tokenInfo * const token,void (* token_cb)(tokenInfo * const,void *),void * user_data)1191 static void skipOverSquaresFull (tokenInfo *const token,
1192 								 void (* token_cb) (tokenInfo *const, void *),
1193 								 void *user_data)
1194 {
1195 	skipOverPairsFull (token, TOKEN_SQUARE_OPEN,
1196 					   TOKEN_SQUARE_CLOSE,
1197 					   token_cb, user_data);
1198 }
skipOverParens(tokenInfo * const token)1200 static void skipOverParens (tokenInfo *const token)
1201 {
1202 	skipOverParensFull (token, NULL, NULL);
1203 }
skipOverSquares(tokenInfo * const token)1205 static void skipOverSquares (tokenInfo *const token)
1206 {
1207 	skipOverSquaresFull (token, NULL, NULL);
1208 }
isTypeSpec(tokenInfo * const token)1210 static bool isTypeSpec (tokenInfo *const token)
1211 {
1212 	bool result;
1213 	switch (token->keyword)
1214 	{
1215 		case KEYWORD_byte:
1216 		case KEYWORD_integer:
1217 		case KEYWORD_real:
1218 		case KEYWORD_double:
1219 		case KEYWORD_complex:
1220 		case KEYWORD_character:
1221 		case KEYWORD_logical:
1222 		case KEYWORD_record:
1223 		case KEYWORD_type:
1224 		case KEYWORD_procedure:
1225 		case KEYWORD_final:
1226 		case KEYWORD_generic:
1227 		case KEYWORD_class:
1228 		case KEYWORD_enumerator:
1229 			result = true;
1230 			break;
1231 		default:
1232 			result = false;
1233 			break;
1234 	}
1235 	return result;
1236 }
isSubprogramPrefix(tokenInfo * const token)1238 static bool isSubprogramPrefix (tokenInfo *const token)
1239 {
1240 	bool result;
1241 	switch (token->keyword)
1242 	{
1243 		case KEYWORD_elemental:
1244 		case KEYWORD_pure:
1245 		case KEYWORD_recursive:
1246 		case KEYWORD_stdcall:
1247 			result = true;
1248 			break;
1249 		default:
1250 			result = false;
1251 			break;
1252 	}
1253 	return result;
1254 }
parseKindSelector(tokenInfo * const token)1256 static void parseKindSelector (tokenInfo *const token)
1257 {
1258 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1259 		skipOverParens (token);  /* skip kind-selector */
1260 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR) &&
1261 		strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "*") == 0)
1262 	{
1263 		readToken (token);
1264 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1265 			skipOverParens (token);
1266 		else
1267 			readToken (token);
1268 	}
1269 }
1271 /*  type-spec
1272  *      is INTEGER [kind-selector]
1273  *      or REAL [kind-selector] is ( etc. )
1274  *      or DOUBLE PRECISION
1275  *      or COMPLEX [kind-selector]
1276  *      or CHARACTER [kind-selector]
1277  *      or LOGICAL [kind-selector]
1278  *      or TYPE ( type-name )
1279  *
1280  *  Note that INTEGER and REAL may be followed by "*N" where "N" is an integer
1281  */
parseTypeSpec(tokenInfo * const token)1282 static void parseTypeSpec (tokenInfo *const token)
1283 {
1284 	/* parse type-spec, leaving `token' at first token following type-spec */
1285 	Assert (isTypeSpec (token));
1286 	switch (token->keyword)
1287 	{
1288 		case KEYWORD_character:
1289 			/* skip char-selector */
1290 			readToken (token);
1291 			if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR) &&
1292 					 strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "*") == 0)
1293 				readToken (token);
1294 			if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1295 				skipOverParens (token);
1296 			else if (isType (token, TOKEN_NUMERIC))
1297 				readToken (token);
1298 			break;
1301 		case KEYWORD_byte:
1302 		case KEYWORD_complex:
1303 		case KEYWORD_integer:
1304 		case KEYWORD_logical:
1305 		case KEYWORD_real:
1306 		case KEYWORD_procedure:
1307 		case KEYWORD_class:
1308 			readToken (token);
1309 			parseKindSelector (token);
1310 			break;
1312 		case KEYWORD_double:
1313 			readToken (token);
1314 			if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_complex) ||
1315 				isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_precision))
1316 					readToken (token);
1317 			else
1318 				skipToToken (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END);
1319 			break;
1321 		case KEYWORD_record:
1322 			readToken (token);
1323 			if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR) &&
1324 				strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "/") == 0)
1325 			{
1326 				readToken (token);  /* skip to structure name */
1327 				readToken (token);  /* skip to '/' */
1328 				readToken (token);  /* skip to variable name */
1329 			}
1330 			break;
1332 		case KEYWORD_type:
1333 			readToken (token);
1334 			if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1335 				skipOverParens (token);  /* skip type-name */
1336 			else
1337 				parseDerivedTypeDef (token);
1338 			break;
1340 		case KEYWORD_final:
1341 		case KEYWORD_generic:
1342 		case KEYWORD_enumerator:
1343 			readToken (token);
1344 			break;
1346 		default:
1347 			skipToToken (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END);
1348 			break;
1349 	}
1350 }
skipStatementIfKeyword(tokenInfo * const token,keywordId keyword)1352 static bool skipStatementIfKeyword (tokenInfo *const token, keywordId keyword)
1353 {
1354 	bool result = false;
1355 	if (isKeyword (token, keyword))
1356 	{
1357 		result = true;
1358 		skipToNextStatement (token);
1359 	}
1360 	return result;
1361 }
1363 /* parse extends qualifier, leaving token at first token following close
1364  * parenthesis.
1365  */
attachParentType(tokenInfo * const token,vString * parentType)1367 static void attachParentType (tokenInfo *const token, vString* parentType)
1368 {
1369 	if (token->parentType)
1370 		vStringDelete (token->parentType);
1371 	token->parentType = parentType;
1372 }
makeParentType(tokenInfo * const token,void * userData)1374 static void makeParentType (tokenInfo *const token, void *userData)
1375 {
1376 	attachParentType ((tokenInfo *const)userData,
1377 					  vStringNewCopy (token->string));
1378 }
parseExtendsQualifier(tokenInfo * const token,tokenInfo * const qualifierToken)1380 static void parseExtendsQualifier (tokenInfo *const token,
1381 								   tokenInfo *const qualifierToken)
1382 {
1383 	skipOverParensFull (token, makeParentType, qualifierToken);
1384 }
parseAbstractQualifier(tokenInfo * const token,tokenInfo * const qualifierToken)1386 static void parseAbstractQualifier (tokenInfo *const token,
1387 									tokenInfo *const qualifierToken)
1388 {
1389 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_abstract));
1390 	qualifierToken->implementation = IMP_ABSTRACT;
1391 	readToken (token);
1392 }
parseDeferredQualifier(tokenInfo * const token,tokenInfo * const qualifierToken)1394 static void parseDeferredQualifier (tokenInfo *const token,
1395 									tokenInfo *const qualifierToken)
1396 {
1397 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_deferred));
1398 	qualifierToken->implementation = IMP_DEFERRED;
1399 	readToken (token);
1400 }
parseNonOverridableQualifier(tokenInfo * const token,tokenInfo * const qualifierToken)1402 static void parseNonOverridableQualifier (tokenInfo *const token,
1403 										  tokenInfo *const qualifierToken)
1404 {
1405 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_non_overridable));
1406 	qualifierToken->implementation = IMP_NON_OVERRIDABLE;
1407 	readToken (token);
1408 }
1410 /* parse a list of qualifying specifiers, leaving `token' at first token
1411  * following list. Examples of such specifiers are:
1412  *      [[, attr-spec] ::]
1413  *      [[, component-attr-spec-list] ::]
1414  *
1415  *  attr-spec
1416  *      is PARAMETER
1417  *      or access-spec (is PUBLIC or PRIVATE)
1418  *      or ALLOCATABLE
1419  *      or DIMENSION ( array-spec )
1420  *      or EXTENDS ( extends-spec )
1421  *      or EXTERNAL
1422  *      or INTENT ( intent-spec )
1423  *      or INTRINSIC
1424  *      or OPTIONAL
1425  *      or POINTER
1426  *      or SAVE
1427  *      or TARGET
1428  *      or PASS
1429  *      or NOPASS
1430  *      or DEFERRED
1431  *      or NON_OVERRIDABLE
1432  *      or ABSTRACT
1433  *
1434  *  component-attr-spec
1435  *      is POINTER
1436  *      or DIMENSION ( component-array-spec )
1437  */
parseQualifierSpecList(tokenInfo * const token)1438 static tokenInfo *parseQualifierSpecList (tokenInfo *const token)
1439 {
1440 	tokenInfo *qualifierToken = newToken ();
1442 	do
1443 	{
1444 		readToken (token);  /* should be an attr-spec */
1445 		switch (token->keyword)
1446 		{
1447 			case KEYWORD_parameter:
1448 			case KEYWORD_allocatable:
1449 			case KEYWORD_external:
1450 			case KEYWORD_intrinsic:
1451 			case KEYWORD_kind:
1452 			case KEYWORD_len:
1453 			case KEYWORD_optional:
1454 			case KEYWORD_private:
1455 			case KEYWORD_pointer:
1456 			case KEYWORD_protected:
1457 			case KEYWORD_public:
1458 			case KEYWORD_save:
1459 			case KEYWORD_target:
1460 			case KEYWORD_nopass:
1461 				readToken (token);
1462 				break;
1464 			case KEYWORD_dimension:
1465 			case KEYWORD_intent:
1466 			case KEYWORD_bind:
1467 				readToken (token);
1468 				skipOverParens (token);
1469 				break;
1471 			case KEYWORD_extends:
1472 				readToken (token);
1473 				parseExtendsQualifier (token, qualifierToken);
1474 				break;
1476 			case KEYWORD_pass:
1477 				readToken (token);
1478 				if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1479 					skipOverParens (token);
1480 				break;
1482 			case KEYWORD_abstract:
1483 				parseAbstractQualifier (token, qualifierToken);
1484 				break;
1486 			case KEYWORD_deferred:
1487 				parseDeferredQualifier (token, qualifierToken);
1488 				break;
1490 			case KEYWORD_non_overridable:
1491 				parseNonOverridableQualifier (token, qualifierToken);
1492 				break;
1494 			case KEYWORD_codimension:
1495 				readToken (token);
1496 				skipOverSquares (token);
1497 				break;
1499 			default: skipToToken (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END); break;
1500 		}
1501 	} while (isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA));
1502 	if (! isType (token, TOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON))
1503 		skipToToken (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END);
1505 	return qualifierToken;
1506 }
variableTagType(tokenInfo * const st)1508 static tagType variableTagType (tokenInfo *const st)
1509 {
1510 	tagType result = TAG_VARIABLE;
1511 	if (ancestorCount () > 0)
1512 	{
1513 		const tokenInfo* const parent = ancestorTop ();
1514 		switch (parent->tag)
1515 		{
1516 			case TAG_SUBMODULE:	/* Fall through */
1517 			case TAG_MODULE:       result = TAG_VARIABLE;  break;
1518 			case TAG_DERIVED_TYPE:
1519 				if (st && st->isMethod)
1520 					result = TAG_METHOD;
1521 				else
1522 					result = TAG_COMPONENT;
1523 				break;
1524 			case TAG_FUNCTION:     result = TAG_LOCAL;     break;
1525 			case TAG_SUBROUTINE:   result = TAG_LOCAL;     break;
1526 			case TAG_PROTOTYPE:    result = TAG_LOCAL;     break;
1527 			case TAG_ENUM:         result = TAG_ENUMERATOR; break;
1528 			default:               result = TAG_VARIABLE;  break;
1529 		}
1530 	}
1531 	return result;
1532 }
parseEntityDecl(tokenInfo * const token,tokenInfo * const st)1534 static void parseEntityDecl (tokenInfo *const token,
1535 							 tokenInfo *const st)
1536 {
1537 	Assert (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER));
1538 	if (st && st->implementation != IMP_DEFAULT)
1539 		token->implementation = st->implementation;
1540 	makeFortranTag (token, variableTagType (st));
1541 	readToken (token);
1542 	/* we check for both '()' and '[]'
1543 	 * coarray syntax permits variable(), variable[], or variable()[]
1544 	 */
1545 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1546 		skipOverParens (token);
1547 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_SQUARE_OPEN))
1548 		skipOverSquares (token);
1549 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR) &&
1550 			strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "*") == 0)
1551 	{
1552 		readToken (token);  /* read char-length */
1553 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1554 			skipOverParens (token);
1555 		else
1556 			readToken (token);
1557 	}
1558 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR))
1559 	{
1560 		if (strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "/") == 0)
1561 		{  /* skip over initializations of structure field */
1562 			readToken (token);
1563 			skipPast (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR);
1564 		}
1565 		else if (strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "=") == 0 ||
1566 				 strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "=>") == 0)
1567 		{
1568 			while (! isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA) &&
1569 					! isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END) &&
1570 					! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF))
1571 			{
1572 				readToken (token);
1573 				/* another coarray check, for () and [] */
1574 				if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1575 					skipOverParens (token);
1576 				if (isType (token, TOKEN_SQUARE_OPEN))
1577 					skipOverSquares (token);
1578 			}
1579 		}
1580 	}
1581 	/* token left at either comma or statement end */
1582 }
parseEntityDeclList(tokenInfo * const token,tokenInfo * const st)1584 static void parseEntityDeclList (tokenInfo *const token,
1585 								 tokenInfo *const st)
1586 {
1587 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_PERCENT))
1588 		skipToNextStatement (token);
1589 	else while (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) ||
1590 				(isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD) &&
1591 				 !isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_function) &&
1592 				 !isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_subroutine)))
1593 	{
1594 		/* compilers accept keywords as identifiers */
1595 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
1596 			token->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
1597 		parseEntityDecl (token, st);
1598 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA))
1599 			readToken (token);
1600 		else if (isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END))
1601 		{
1602 			skipToNextStatement (token);
1603 			break;
1604 		}
1605 	}
1606 }
1608 /*  type-declaration-stmt is
1609  *      type-spec [[, attr-spec] ... ::] entity-decl-list
1610  */
parseTypeDeclarationStmt(tokenInfo * const token)1611 static void parseTypeDeclarationStmt (tokenInfo *const token)
1612 {
1613 	Assert (isTypeSpec (token));
1614 	parseTypeSpec (token);
1615 	if (!isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END))  /* if not end of derived type... */
1616 	{
1617 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA))
1618 		{
1619 			tokenInfo* qualifierToken = parseQualifierSpecList (token);
1620 			deleteToken (qualifierToken);
1621 		}
1622 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON))
1623 			readToken (token);
1624 		parseEntityDeclList (token, NULL);
1625 	}
1626 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END))
1627 		skipToNextStatement (token);
1628 }
1630 /*  namelist-stmt is
1631  *      NAMELIST /namelist-group-name/ namelist-group-object-list
1632  *			[[,]/[namelist-group-name]/ namelist-block-object-list] ...
1633  *
1634  *  namelist-group-object is
1635  *      variable-name
1636  *
1637  *  common-stmt is
1638  *      COMMON [/[common-block-name]/] common-block-object-list
1639  *			[[,]/[common-block-name]/ common-block-object-list] ...
1640  *
1641  *  common-block-object is
1642  *      variable-name [ ( explicit-shape-spec-list ) ]
1643  */
parseCommonNamelistStmt(tokenInfo * const token,tagType type)1644 static void parseCommonNamelistStmt (tokenInfo *const token, tagType type)
1645 {
1646 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_common) ||
1647 			isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_namelist));
1648 	readToken (token);
1649 	do
1650 	{
1651 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR) &&
1652 			strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "/") == 0)
1653 		{
1654 			readToken (token);
1655 			if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
1656 			{
1657 				makeFortranTag (token, type);
1658 				readToken (token);
1659 			}
1660 			skipPast (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR);
1661 		}
1662 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
1663 			makeFortranTag (token, TAG_LOCAL);
1664 		readToken (token);
1665 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1666 			skipOverParens (token);  /* skip explicit-shape-spec-list */
1667 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA))
1668 			readToken (token);
1669 	} while (! isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END) &&
1670 			 ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF));
1671 	skipToNextStatement (token);
1672 }
parseFieldDefinition(tokenInfo * const token)1674 static void parseFieldDefinition (tokenInfo *const token)
1675 {
1676 	if (isTypeSpec (token))
1677 		parseTypeDeclarationStmt (token);
1678 	else if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_structure))
1679 		parseStructureStmt (token);
1680 	else if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_union))
1681 		parseUnionStmt (token);
1682 	else
1683 		skipToNextStatement (token);
1684 }
parseMap(tokenInfo * const token)1686 static void parseMap (tokenInfo *const token)
1687 {
1688 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_map));
1689 	skipToNextStatement (token);
1690 	while (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_end) &&
1691 		   ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF))
1692 		parseFieldDefinition (token);
1693 	readSubToken (token);
1694 	/* should be at KEYWORD_map token */
1695 	skipToNextStatement (token);
1696 }
1698 /* UNION
1699  *      MAP
1700  *          [field-definition] [field-definition] ...
1701  *      END MAP
1702  *      MAP
1703  *          [field-definition] [field-definition] ...
1704  *      END MAP
1705  *      [MAP
1706  *          [field-definition]
1707  *          [field-definition] ...
1708  *      END MAP] ...
1709  *  END UNION
1710  *      *
1711  *
1712  *  Typed data declarations (variables or arrays) in structure declarations
1713  *  have the form of normal Fortran typed data declarations. Data items with
1714  *  different types can be freely intermixed within a structure declaration.
1715  *
1716  *  Unnamed fields can be declared in a structure by specifying the pseudo
1717  *  name %FILL in place of an actual field name. You can use this mechanism to
1718  *  generate empty space in a record for purposes such as alignment.
1719  *
1720  *  All mapped field declarations that are made within a UNION declaration
1721  *  share a common location within the containing structure. When initializing
1722  *  the fields within a UNION, the final initialization value assigned
1723  *  overlays any value previously assigned to a field definition that shares
1724  *  that field.
1725  */
parseUnionStmt(tokenInfo * const token)1726 static void parseUnionStmt (tokenInfo *const token)
1727 {
1728 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_union));
1729 	skipToNextStatement (token);
1730 	while (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_map))
1731 		parseMap (token);
1732 	/* should be at KEYWORD_end token */
1733 	readSubToken (token);
1734 	/* secondary token should be KEYWORD_end token */
1735 	skipToNextStatement (token);
1736 }
1738 /*  STRUCTURE [/structure-name/] [field-names]
1739  *      [field-definition]
1740  *      [field-definition] ...
1742  *
1743  *  structure-name
1744  *		identifies the structure in a subsequent RECORD statement.
1745  *		Substructures can be established within a structure by means of either
1746  *		a nested STRUCTURE declaration or a RECORD statement.
1747  *
1748  *   field-names
1749  *		(for substructure declarations only) one or more names having the
1750  *		structure of the substructure being defined.
1751  *
1752  *   field-definition
1753  *		can be one or more of the following:
1754  *
1755  *			Typed data declarations, which can optionally include one or more
1756  *			data initialization values.
1757  *
1758  *			Substructure declarations (defined by either RECORD statements or
1759  *			subsequent STRUCTURE statements).
1760  *
1761  *			UNION declarations, which are mapped fields defined by a block of
1762  *			statements. The syntax of a UNION declaration is described below.
1763  *
1764  *			PARAMETER statements, which do not affect the form of the
1765  *			structure.
1766  */
parseStructureStmt(tokenInfo * const token)1767 static void parseStructureStmt (tokenInfo *const token)
1768 {
1769 	tokenInfo *name = NULL;
1770 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_structure));
1771 	readToken (token);
1772 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR) &&
1773 		strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "/") == 0)
1774 	{  /* read structure name */
1775 		readToken (token);
1776 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) || isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
1777 		{
1778 			name = newTokenFrom (token);
1779 			name->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
1780 		}
1781 		skipPast (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR);
1782 	}
1783 	if (name == NULL)
1784 	{  /* fake out anonymous structure */
1785 		name = newAnonTokenFrom (token, TAG_COMPONENT);
1786 		name->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
1787 		name->tag = TAG_DERIVED_TYPE;
1788 	}
1789 	makeFortranTag (name, TAG_DERIVED_TYPE);
1790 	while (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
1791 	{  /* read field names */
1792 		makeFortranTag (token, TAG_COMPONENT);
1793 		readToken (token);
1794 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA))
1795 			readToken (token);
1796 	}
1797 	skipToNextStatement (token);
1798 	ancestorPush (name);
1799 	while (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_end) &&
1800 		   ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF))
1801 		parseFieldDefinition (token);
1802 	readSubToken (token);
1803 	/* secondary token should be KEYWORD_structure token */
1804 	skipToNextStatement (token);
1805 	ancestorPop ();
1806 	deleteToken (name);
1807 }
1809 /*  specification-stmt
1810  *      is access-stmt      (is access-spec [[::] access-id-list)
1811  *      or allocatable-stmt (is ALLOCATABLE [::] array-name etc.)
1812  *      or common-stmt      (is COMMON [ / [common-block-name] /] etc.)
1813  *      or data-stmt        (is DATA data-stmt-list [[,] data-stmt-set] ...)
1814  *      or dimension-stmt   (is DIMENSION [::] array-name etc.)
1815  *      or equivalence-stmt (is EQUIVALENCE equivalence-set-list)
1816  *      or external-stmt    (is EXTERNAL etc.)
1817  *      or intent-stmt      (is INTENT ( intent-spec ) [::] etc.)
1818  *      or intrinsic-stmt   (is INTRINSIC etc.)
1819  *      or namelist-stmt    (is NAMELIST / namelist-group-name / etc.)
1820  *      or optional-stmt    (is OPTIONAL [::] etc.)
1821  *      or pointer-stmt     (is POINTER [::] object-name etc.)
1822  *      or save-stmt        (is SAVE etc.)
1823  *      or target-stmt      (is TARGET [::] object-name etc.)
1824  *
1825  *  access-spec is PUBLIC or PRIVATE
1826  */
parseSpecificationStmt(tokenInfo * const token)1827 static bool parseSpecificationStmt (tokenInfo *const token)
1828 {
1829 	bool result = true;
1830 	switch (token->keyword)
1831 	{
1832 		case KEYWORD_common:
1833 			parseCommonNamelistStmt (token, TAG_COMMON_BLOCK);
1834 			break;
1836 		case KEYWORD_namelist:
1837 			parseCommonNamelistStmt (token, TAG_NAMELIST);
1838 			break;
1840 		case KEYWORD_structure:
1841 			parseStructureStmt (token);
1842 			break;
1844 		case KEYWORD_allocatable:
1845 		case KEYWORD_data:
1846 		case KEYWORD_dimension:
1847 		case KEYWORD_equivalence:
1848 		case KEYWORD_external:
1849 		case KEYWORD_intent:
1850 		case KEYWORD_intrinsic:
1851 		case KEYWORD_optional:
1852 		case KEYWORD_pointer:
1853 		case KEYWORD_private:
1854 		case KEYWORD_protected:
1855 		case KEYWORD_public:
1856 		case KEYWORD_save:
1857 		case KEYWORD_target:
1858 			skipToNextStatement (token);
1859 			break;
1861 		default:
1862 			result = false;
1863 			break;
1864 	}
1865 	return result;
1866 }
1868 /* Type bound generic procedure is:
1869  *   GENERIC [, access-spec ] :: generic-spec => binding-name1 [, binding-name2]...
1870  *     access-spec: PUBLIC or PRIVATE
1871  *     generic-spec: 1. generic name; 2. OPERATOR(op); 3. ASSIGNMENT(=)
1872  *     binding-name: type bound procedure
1873  */
parseGenericMethod(tokenInfo * const token)1874 static void parseGenericMethod (tokenInfo *const token)
1875 {
1876 	if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_assignment) ||
1877 		isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_operator))
1878 	{
1879 		readToken (token);
1880 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
1881 			readToken (token);
1882 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR))
1883 			makeFortranTag (token, TAG_METHOD);
1884 	}
1885 	else
1886 	{
1887 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
1888 			token->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
1889 		makeFortranTag (token, TAG_METHOD);
1890 	}
1891 	skipToNextStatement (token);
1892 }
1894 /*  component-def-stmt is
1895  *      type-spec [[, component-attr-spec-list] ::] component-decl-list
1896  *
1897  *  component-decl is
1898  *      component-name [ ( component-array-spec ) ] [ * char-length ]
1899  */
parseComponentDefStmt(tokenInfo * const token)1900 static void parseComponentDefStmt (tokenInfo *const token)
1901 {
1902 	tokenInfo* st = newToken ();
1903 	tokenInfo* qt = NULL;
1904 	bool isGeneric = false;
1906 	Assert (isTypeSpec (token));
1907 	if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_procedure) ||
1908 		isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_final) ||
1909 		isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_generic))
1910 		st->isMethod = true;
1911 	if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_generic))
1912 		isGeneric = true;
1913 	parseTypeSpec (token);
1914 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA))
1915 	{
1916 		qt = parseQualifierSpecList (token);
1917 		if (qt->implementation != IMP_DEFAULT)
1918 			st->implementation = qt->implementation;
1919 		deleteToken (qt);
1920 	}
1921 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON))
1922 		readToken (token);
1923 	if (isGeneric)
1924 		parseGenericMethod (token);
1925 	else
1926 		parseEntityDeclList (token, st);
1927 	deleteToken (st);
1928 }
1930 /*  derived-type-def is
1931  *      derived-type-stmt is (TYPE [[, access-spec] ::] type-name
1932  *          [private-sequence-stmt] ... (is PRIVATE or SEQUENCE)
1933  *          component-def-stmt
1934  *          [component-def-stmt] ...
1935  *          end-type-stmt
1936  */
parseDerivedTypeDef(tokenInfo * const token)1937 static void parseDerivedTypeDef (tokenInfo *const token)
1938 {
1939 	tokenInfo *qualifierToken = NULL;
1941 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA))
1942 		qualifierToken = parseQualifierSpecList (token);
1943 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON))
1944 		readToken (token);
1945 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) || isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
1946 	{
1947 		token->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
1948 		if (qualifierToken)
1949 		{
1950 			if (qualifierToken->parentType)
1951 				token->parentType = vStringNewCopy (qualifierToken->parentType);
1952 			if (qualifierToken->implementation != IMP_DEFAULT)
1953 				token->implementation = qualifierToken->implementation;
1954 		}
1955 		makeFortranTag (token, TAG_DERIVED_TYPE);
1956 	}
1957 	deleteToken (qualifierToken);
1958 	ancestorPush (token);
1959 	skipToNextStatement (token);
1960 	if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_private) ||
1961 		isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_sequence))
1962 	{
1963 		skipToNextStatement (token);
1964 	}
1965 	while (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_end) &&
1966 		   ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF))
1967 	{
1968 		if (isTypeSpec (token))
1969 			parseComponentDefStmt (token);
1970 		else
1971 			skipToNextStatement (token);
1972 	}
1973 	readSubToken (token);
1974 	/* secondary token should be KEYWORD_type token */
1975 	skipToToken (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END);
1976 	ancestorPop ();
1977 }
1979 /*  interface-block
1980  *      interface-stmt (is INTERFACE [generic-spec])
1981  *          [interface-body]
1982  *          [module-procedure-stmt] ...
1983  *          end-interface-stmt (is END INTERFACE)
1984  *
1985  *  generic-spec
1986  *      is generic-name
1987  *      or OPERATOR ( defined-operator )
1988  *      or ASSIGNMENT ( = )
1989  *
1990  *  interface-body
1991  *      is function-stmt
1992  *          [specification-part]
1993  *          end-function-stmt
1994  *      or subroutine-stmt
1995  *          [specification-part]
1996  *          end-subroutine-stmt
1997  *
1998  *  module-procedure-stmt is
1999  *      MODULE PROCEDURE procedure-name-list
2000  */
parseInterfaceBlock(tokenInfo * const token)2001 static void parseInterfaceBlock (tokenInfo *const token)
2002 {
2003 	tokenInfo *name = NULL;
2004 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_interface));
2005 	readToken (token);
2006 	if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_assignment) ||
2007 			 isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_operator))
2008 	{
2009 		readToken (token);
2010 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
2011 			readToken (token);
2012 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR))
2013 			name = newTokenFrom (token);
2014 	}
2015 	else if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) || isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
2016 	{
2017 		name = newTokenFrom (token);
2018 		name->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
2019 	}
2020 	if (name == NULL)
2021 	{
2022 		name = newAnonTokenFrom (token, TAG_INTERFACE);
2023 		name->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
2024 		name->tag = TAG_INTERFACE;
2025 	}
2026 	makeFortranTag (name, TAG_INTERFACE);
2027 	ancestorPush (name);
2028 	while (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_end) &&
2029 		   ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF))
2030 	{
2031 		switch (token->keyword)
2032 		{
2033 			case KEYWORD_function:
2034 			case KEYWORD_subroutine: parseSubprogram (token); break;
2036 			default:
2037 				if (isSubprogramPrefix (token))
2038 					readToken (token);
2039 				else if (isTypeSpec (token))
2040 					parseTypeSpec (token);
2041 				else
2042 					skipToNextStatement (token);
2043 				break;
2044 		}
2045 	}
2046 	readSubToken (token);
2047 	/* secondary token should be KEYWORD_interface token */
2048 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2049 	ancestorPop ();
2050 	deleteToken (name);
2051 }
2053 /* enum-block
2054  *      enum-stmt (is ENUM, BIND(C) [ :: type-alias-name ]
2055  *                 or ENUM [ kind-selector ] [ :: ] [ type-alias-name ])
2056  *          [ enum-body (is ENUMERATOR [ :: ] enumerator-list) ]
2057  *      end-enum-stmt (is END ENUM)
2058  */
parseEnumBlock(tokenInfo * const token)2059 static void parseEnumBlock (tokenInfo *const token)
2060 {
2061 	tokenInfo *name = NULL;
2062 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_enum));
2063 	readToken (token);
2064 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA))
2065 	{
2066 		readToken (token);
2067 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
2068 			readToken (token);
2069 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
2070 			skipOverParens (token);
2071 	}
2072 	parseKindSelector (token);
2073 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_DOUBLE_COLON))
2074 		readToken (token);
2075 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) || isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
2076 	{
2077 		name = newTokenFrom (token);
2078 		name->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
2079 	}
2080 	if (name == NULL)
2081 	{
2082 		name = newAnonTokenFrom (token, TAG_ENUM);
2083 		name->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
2084 		name->tag = TAG_ENUM;
2085 	}
2086 	makeFortranTag (name, TAG_ENUM);
2087 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2088 	ancestorPush (name);
2089 	while (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_end) &&
2090 		   ! isType(token, TOKEN_EOF))
2091 	{
2092 		if (isTypeSpec (token))
2093 			parseTypeDeclarationStmt (token);
2094 		else
2095 			skipToNextStatement (token);
2096 	}
2097 	readSubToken (token);
2098 	/* secondary token should be KEYWORD_enum token */
2099 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2100 	ancestorPop ();
2101 	deleteToken (name);
2102 }
2104 /*  entry-stmt is
2105  *      ENTRY entry-name [ ( dummy-arg-list ) ]
2106  */
parseEntryStmt(tokenInfo * const token)2107 static void parseEntryStmt (tokenInfo *const token)
2108 {
2109 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_entry));
2110 	readToken (token);
2111 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
2112 		makeFortranTag (token, TAG_ENTRY_POINT);
2113 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2114 }
2116 /*  stmt-function-stmt is
2117  *      function-name ([dummy-arg-name-list]) = scalar-expr
2118  */
parseStmtFunctionStmt(tokenInfo * const token)2119 static bool parseStmtFunctionStmt (tokenInfo *const token)
2120 {
2121 	bool result = false;
2122 	Assert (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER));
2123 #if 0  /* cannot reliably parse this yet */
2124 	makeFortranTag (token, TAG_FUNCTION);
2125 #endif
2126 	readToken (token);
2127 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
2128 	{
2129 		skipOverParens (token);
2130 		result = (bool) (isType (token, TOKEN_OPERATOR) &&
2131 			strcmp (vStringValue (token->string), "=") == 0);
2132 	}
2133 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2134 	return result;
2135 }
isIgnoredDeclaration(tokenInfo * const token)2137 static bool isIgnoredDeclaration (tokenInfo *const token)
2138 {
2139 	bool result;
2140 	switch (token->keyword)
2141 	{
2142 		case KEYWORD_cexternal:
2143 		case KEYWORD_cglobal:
2144 		case KEYWORD_dllexport:
2145 		case KEYWORD_dllimport:
2146 		case KEYWORD_external:
2147 		case KEYWORD_format:
2148 		case KEYWORD_include:
2149 		case KEYWORD_inline:
2150 		case KEYWORD_parameter:
2151 		case KEYWORD_pascal:
2152 		case KEYWORD_pexternal:
2153 		case KEYWORD_pglobal:
2154 		case KEYWORD_static:
2155 		case KEYWORD_value:
2156 		case KEYWORD_virtual:
2157 		case KEYWORD_volatile:
2158 			result = true;
2159 			break;
2161 		default:
2162 			result = false;
2163 			break;
2164 	}
2165 	return result;
2166 }
2168 /*  declaration-construct
2169  *      [derived-type-def]
2170  *      [interface-block]
2171  *      [type-declaration-stmt]
2172  *      [specification-stmt]
2173  *      [parameter-stmt] (is PARAMETER ( named-constant-def-list )
2174  *      [format-stmt]    (is FORMAT format-specification)
2175  *      [entry-stmt]
2176  *      [stmt-function-stmt]
2177  */
parseDeclarationConstruct(tokenInfo * const token)2178 static bool parseDeclarationConstruct (tokenInfo *const token)
2179 {
2180 	bool result = true;
2181 	switch (token->keyword)
2182 	{
2183 		case KEYWORD_entry:		parseEntryStmt (token);      break;
2184 		case KEYWORD_interface:	parseInterfaceBlock (token); break;
2185 		case KEYWORD_enum:      parseEnumBlock (token);      break;
2186 		case KEYWORD_stdcall:   readToken (token);           break;
2187 		/* derived type handled by parseTypeDeclarationStmt(); */
2189 		case KEYWORD_abstract:
2190 			readToken (token);
2191 			if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_interface))
2192 				parseInterfaceBlock (token);
2193 			else
2194 				skipToNextStatement (token);
2195 			result = true;
2196 			break;
2198 		case KEYWORD_automatic:
2199 			readToken (token);
2200 			if (isTypeSpec (token))
2201 				parseTypeDeclarationStmt (token);
2202 			else
2203 				skipToNextStatement (token);
2204 			result = true;
2205 			break;
2207 		default:
2208 			if (isIgnoredDeclaration (token))
2209 				skipToNextStatement (token);
2210 			else if (isTypeSpec (token))
2211 			{
2212 				parseTypeDeclarationStmt (token);
2213 				result = true;
2214 			}
2215 			else if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
2216 				result = parseStmtFunctionStmt (token);
2217 			else
2218 				result = parseSpecificationStmt (token);
2219 			break;
2220 	}
2221 	return result;
2222 }
2224 /*  implicit-part-stmt
2225  *      is [implicit-stmt] (is IMPLICIT etc.)
2226  *      or [parameter-stmt] (is PARAMETER etc.)
2227  *      or [format-stmt] (is FORMAT etc.)
2228  *      or [entry-stmt] (is ENTRY entry-name etc.)
2229  */
parseImplicitPartStmt(tokenInfo * const token)2230 static bool parseImplicitPartStmt (tokenInfo *const token)
2231 {
2232 	bool result = true;
2233 	switch (token->keyword)
2234 	{
2235 		case KEYWORD_entry: parseEntryStmt (token); break;
2237 		case KEYWORD_implicit:
2238 		case KEYWORD_include:
2239 		case KEYWORD_parameter:
2240 		case KEYWORD_format:
2241 			skipToNextStatement (token);
2242 			break;
2244 		default: result = false; break;
2245 	}
2246 	return result;
2247 }
2249 /*  specification-part is
2250  *      [use-stmt] ... (is USE module-name etc.)
2251  *      [implicit-part] (is [implicit-part-stmt] ... [implicit-stmt])
2252  *      [declaration-construct] ...
2253  */
parseSpecificationPart(tokenInfo * const token)2254 static bool parseSpecificationPart (tokenInfo *const token)
2255 {
2256 	bool result = false;
2257 	while (skipStatementIfKeyword (token, KEYWORD_use))
2258 		result = true;
2259 	while (skipStatementIfKeyword (token, KEYWORD_import))
2260 		result = true;
2261 	while (parseImplicitPartStmt (token))
2262 		result = true;
2263 	while (parseDeclarationConstruct (token))
2264 		result = true;
2265 	return result;
2266 }
2268 /*  block-data is
2269  *      block-data-stmt (is BLOCK DATA [block-data-name]
2270  *          [specification-part]
2271  *          end-block-data-stmt (is END [BLOCK DATA [block-data-name]])
2272  */
parseBlockData(tokenInfo * const token)2273 static void parseBlockData (tokenInfo *const token)
2274 {
2275 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_block));
2276 	readToken (token);
2277 	if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_data))
2278 	{
2279 		readToken (token);
2280 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
2281 			makeFortranTag (token, TAG_BLOCK_DATA);
2282 	}
2283 	ancestorPush (token);
2284 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2285 	parseSpecificationPart (token);
2286 	while (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_end) &&
2287 		   ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF))
2288 		skipToNextStatement (token);
2289 	readSubToken (token);
2290 	/* secondary token should be KEYWORD_NONE or KEYWORD_block token */
2291 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2292 	ancestorPop ();
2293 }
2295 /*  internal-subprogram-part is
2296  *      contains-stmt (is CONTAINS)
2297  *          internal-subprogram
2298  *          [internal-subprogram] ...
2299  *
2300  *  internal-subprogram
2301  *      is function-subprogram
2302  *      or subroutine-subprogram
2303  */
parseInternalSubprogramPart(tokenInfo * const token)2304 static void parseInternalSubprogramPart (tokenInfo *const token)
2305 {
2306 	bool done = false;
2307 	if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_contains))
2308 		skipToNextStatement (token);
2309 	do
2310 	{
2311 		switch (token->keyword)
2312 		{
2313 			case KEYWORD_function:
2314 			case KEYWORD_subroutine: parseSubprogram (token); break;
2315 			case KEYWORD_end:        done = true;             break;
2317 			default:
2318 				if (isSubprogramPrefix (token))
2319 					readToken (token);
2320 				else if (isTypeSpec (token))
2321 					parseTypeSpec (token);
2322 				else
2323 					readToken (token);
2324 				break;
2325 		}
2326 	} while (! done && ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF));
2327 }
2329 /* submodule is
2330  *     submodule-stmt (is SUBMODULE ( parent-identifier ) submodule-name)
2331  *          [specification-part]
2332  *          [module-subprogram-part]
2333  *          end-submodule-stmt (is END [SUBMODULE [submodule-name]])
2334  *
2335  * parent-identifier is
2336  *     ancestor_module_name [ : parent_submodule_name ]*
2337  *
2338  * ------------------------------------------------------------------
2339  * XL Fortran for AIX, V15.1.3
2340  * Language Reference
2341  * Program units and procedures
2342  *   https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSGH4D_15.1.3/com.ibm.xlf1513.aix.doc/language_ref/submodules.html
2343  * -------------------------------------------------------------------
2344  */
parserParentIdentifierOfSubmoduleStatement(tokenInfo * const token)2345 static vString *parserParentIdentifierOfSubmoduleStatement (tokenInfo *const token)
2346 {
2347 	vString *parentId;
2349 	if (!isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
2350 		return NULL;
2352 	parentId = vStringNew();
2354 	while (1)
2355 	{
2356 		readToken (token);
2357 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
2358 			vStringCat (parentId, token->string);
2359 		else if (isType (token, TOKEN_COLON))
2360 			vStringPut (parentId, ':');
2361 		else if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_CLOSE))
2362 			break;
2363 		else
2364 		{
2365 			/* Unexpected token (including EOF) */
2366 			vStringClear (parentId);
2367 			break;
2368 		}
2369 	}
2371 	if (vStringLength (parentId) == 0)
2372 	{
2373 		vStringDelete (parentId);
2374 		parentId = NULL;
2375 	}
2376 	return parentId;
2377 }
2379 /*  module is
2380  *      module-stmt (is MODULE module-name)
2381  *          [specification-part]
2382  *          [module-subprogram-part]
2383  *          end-module-stmt (is END [MODULE [module-name]])
2384  *
2385  *  module-subprogram-part
2386  *      contains-stmt (is CONTAINS)
2387  *          module-subprogram
2388  *          [module-subprogram] ...
2389  *
2390  *  module-subprogram
2391  *      is function-subprogram
2392  *      or subroutine-subprogram
2393  */
parseModule(tokenInfo * const token,bool isSubmodule)2394 static void parseModule (tokenInfo *const token, bool isSubmodule)
2395 {
2396 	vString *parentIdentifier = NULL;
2398 	Assert (((!isSubmodule) && isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_module))
2399 			|| (isSubmodule && isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_submodule)));
2402 	if (isSubmodule)
2403 	{
2404 		readToken (token);
2405 		parentIdentifier = parserParentIdentifierOfSubmoduleStatement (token);
2406 		if (parentIdentifier == NULL)
2407 		{
2408 			/* Unexpected syntax */
2409 			skipToNextStatement (token);
2410 			return;
2411 		}
2412 	}
2414 	readToken (token);
2415 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) || isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
2416 	{
2417 		token->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
2418 		if (isSubmodule)
2419 		{
2420 			attachParentType (token, parentIdentifier);
2421 			parentIdentifier = NULL;
2422 		}
2423 		makeFortranTag (token, isSubmodule? TAG_SUBMODULE: TAG_MODULE);
2424 	}
2425 	ancestorPush (token);
2426 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2427 	parseSpecificationPart (token);
2428 	if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_contains))
2429 		parseInternalSubprogramPart (token);
2430 	while (! isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_end) &&
2431 		   ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF))
2432 		skipToNextStatement (token);
2433 	readSubToken (token);
2434 	/* secondary token should be KEYWORD_NONE or KEYWORD_module token */
2435 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2436 	ancestorPop ();
2438 	if (parentIdentifier)
2439 		vStringDelete (parentIdentifier);
2440 }
2442 /*  execution-part
2443  *      executable-construct
2444  *
2445  *  executable-construct is
2446  *      execution-part-construct [execution-part-construct]
2447  *
2448  *  execution-part-construct
2449  *      is executable-construct
2450  *      or format-stmt
2451  *      or data-stmt
2452  *      or entry-stmt
2453  */
parseExecutionPart(tokenInfo * const token)2454 static bool parseExecutionPart (tokenInfo *const token)
2455 {
2456 	bool result = false;
2457 	bool done = false;
2458 	while (! done && ! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF))
2459 	{
2460 		switch (token->keyword)
2461 		{
2462 			default:
2463 				if (isSubprogramPrefix (token))
2464 					readToken (token);
2465 				else
2466 					skipToNextStatement (token);
2467 				result = true;
2468 				break;
2470 			case KEYWORD_entry:
2471 				parseEntryStmt (token);
2472 				result = true;
2473 				break;
2475 			case KEYWORD_contains:
2476 			case KEYWORD_function:
2477 			case KEYWORD_subroutine:
2478 				done = true;
2479 				break;
2481 			case KEYWORD_end:
2482 				readSubToken (token);
2483 				if (isSecondaryKeyword (token, KEYWORD_do) ||
2484 					isSecondaryKeyword (token, KEYWORD_enum) ||
2485 					isSecondaryKeyword (token, KEYWORD_if) ||
2486 					isSecondaryKeyword (token, KEYWORD_select) ||
2487 					isSecondaryKeyword (token, KEYWORD_where) ||
2488 					isSecondaryKeyword (token, KEYWORD_forall) ||
2489 					isSecondaryKeyword (token, KEYWORD_associate) ||
2490 					isSecondaryKeyword (token, KEYWORD_block))
2491 				{
2492 					skipToNextStatement (token);
2493 					result = true;
2494 				}
2495 				else
2496 					done = true;
2497 				break;
2498 		}
2499 	}
2500 	return result;
2501 }
makeSignature(tokenInfo * const token,void * signature)2503 static void makeSignature (tokenInfo *const token, void* signature)
2504 {
2505 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) || isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
2506 		vStringCat ((vString *)signature, token->string);
2507 	else if (isType (token, TOKEN_COMMA))
2508 		vStringCatS ((vString *)signature, ", ");
2509 }
parseSignature(tokenInfo * const token)2511 static vString* parseSignature (tokenInfo *const token)
2512 {
2513 	vString* signature = vStringNew ();
2515 	readToken (token);
2516 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_PAREN_OPEN))
2517 	{
2518 		vStringPut (signature, '(');
2519 		skipOverParensFull (token, makeSignature, signature);
2520 		vStringPut (signature, ')');
2521 	}
2522 	return signature;
2523 }
parseSubprogramFull(tokenInfo * const token,const tagType tag)2525 static void parseSubprogramFull (tokenInfo *const token, const tagType tag)
2526 {
2527 	Assert (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_program) ||
2528 			isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_function) ||
2529 			isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_subroutine));
2530 	readToken (token);
2531 	if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) || isType (token, TOKEN_KEYWORD))
2532 	{
2533 		tokenInfo* name = newTokenFrom (token);
2534 		token->type = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER;
2535 		if (tag == TAG_SUBROUTINE ||
2536 			tag == TAG_PROTOTYPE)
2537 			name->signature = parseSignature (token);
2538 		makeFortranTag (name, tag);
2539 		ancestorPush (name);
2540 		deleteToken (name);
2541 	}
2542 	else
2543 		ancestorPush (token);
2544 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2545 	parseSpecificationPart (token);
2546 	parseExecutionPart (token);
2547 	if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_contains))
2548 		parseInternalSubprogramPart (token);
2549 	/* should be at KEYWORD_end token */
2550 	readSubToken (token);
2551 	/* secondary token should be one of KEYWORD_NONE, KEYWORD_program,
2552 	 * KEYWORD_function, KEYWORD_function
2553 	 */
2554 	skipToNextStatement (token);
2555 	ancestorPop ();
2556 }
subprogramTagType(tokenInfo * const token)2558 static tagType subprogramTagType (tokenInfo *const token)
2559 {
2560 	tagType result = TAG_UNDEFINED;
2562 	if (insideInterface ())
2563 		result = TAG_PROTOTYPE;
2564 	else if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_subroutine))
2565 		result = TAG_SUBROUTINE;
2566 	else if (isKeyword (token, KEYWORD_function))
2567 		result = TAG_FUNCTION;
2569 	Assert (result != TAG_UNDEFINED);
2571 	return result;
2572 }
2574 /*  function-subprogram is
2575  *      function-stmt (is [prefix] FUNCTION function-name etc.)
2576  *          [specification-part]
2577  *          [execution-part]
2578  *          [internal-subprogram-part]
2579  *          end-function-stmt (is END [FUNCTION [function-name]])
2580  *
2581  *  prefix
2582  *      is type-spec [RECURSIVE]
2583  *      or [RECURSIVE] type-spec
2584  */
2585 /*  subroutine-subprogram is
2586  *      subroutine-stmt (is [RECURSIVE] SUBROUTINE subroutine-name etc.)
2587  *          [specification-part]
2588  *          [execution-part]
2589  *          [internal-subprogram-part]
2590  *          end-subroutine-stmt (is END [SUBROUTINE [function-name]])
2591  */
parseSubprogram(tokenInfo * const token)2592 static void parseSubprogram (tokenInfo *const token)
2593 {
2594 	parseSubprogramFull (token, subprogramTagType (token));
2595 }
2597 /*  main-program is
2598  *      [program-stmt] (is PROGRAM program-name)
2599  *          [specification-part]
2600  *          [execution-part]
2601  *          [internal-subprogram-part ]
2602  *          end-program-stmt
2603  */
parseMainProgram(tokenInfo * const token)2604 static void parseMainProgram (tokenInfo *const token)
2605 {
2606 	parseSubprogramFull (token, TAG_PROGRAM);
2607 }
2609 /*  program-unit
2610  *      is main-program
2611  *      or external-subprogram (is function-subprogram or subroutine-subprogram)
2612  *      or module
2613  *      or block-data
2614  */
parseProgramUnit(tokenInfo * const token)2615 static void parseProgramUnit (tokenInfo *const token)
2616 {
2617 	readToken (token);
2618 	do
2619 	{
2620 		if (isType (token, TOKEN_STATEMENT_END))
2621 			readToken (token);
2622 		else switch (token->keyword)
2623 		{
2624 			case KEYWORD_block:      parseBlockData (token);            break;
2625 			case KEYWORD_end:        skipToNextStatement (token);       break;
2626 			case KEYWORD_function:
2627 			case KEYWORD_subroutine: parseSubprogram (token);           break;
2628 			case KEYWORD_submodule:  parseModule (token, true);         break;
2629 			case KEYWORD_module:     parseModule (token, false);        break;
2630 			case KEYWORD_program:    parseMainProgram (token);          break;
2632 			default:
2633 				if (isSubprogramPrefix (token))
2634 					readToken (token);
2635 				else
2636 				{
2637 					bool one = parseSpecificationPart (token);
2638 					bool two = parseExecutionPart (token);
2639 					if (! (one || two))
2640 						readToken (token);
2641 				}
2642 				break;
2643 		}
2644 	} while (! isType (token, TOKEN_EOF));
2645 }
findFortranTags(const unsigned int passCount)2647 static rescanReason findFortranTags (const unsigned int passCount)
2648 {
2649 	tokenInfo *token;
2650 	rescanReason rescan;
2652 	Assert (passCount < 3);
2653 	token = newToken ();
2655 	FreeSourceForm = (bool) (passCount > 1);
2656 	Column = 0;
2657 	parseProgramUnit (token);
2658 	if (FreeSourceFormFound  &&  ! FreeSourceForm)
2659 	{
2660 		verbose ("%s: not fixed source form; retry as free source form\n",
2661 				getInputFileName ());
2662 		rescan = RESCAN_FAILED;
2663 	}
2664 	else
2665 	{
2666 		rescan = RESCAN_NONE;
2667 	}
2668 	ancestorClear ();
2669 	deleteToken (token);
2671 	return rescan;
2672 }
initialize(const langType language)2674 static void initialize (const langType language)
2675 {
2676 	Lang_fortran = language;
2677 }
FortranParser(void)2679 extern parserDefinition* FortranParser (void)
2680 {
2681 	static const char *const extensions [] = {
2682 		"f", "for", "ftn", "f77", "f90", "f95", "f03", "f08", "f15",
2684 		"F", "FOR", "FTN", "F77", "F90", "F95", "F03", "F08", "F15",
2685 #endif
2686 		NULL
2687 	};
2688 	parserDefinition* def = parserNew ("Fortran");
2689 	def->kindTable      = FortranKinds;
2690 	def->kindCount  = ARRAY_SIZE (FortranKinds);
2691 	def->extensions = extensions;
2692 	def->parser2    = findFortranTags;
2693 	def->initialize = initialize;
2694 	def->keywordTable = FortranKeywordTable;
2695 	def->keywordCount = ARRAY_SIZE (FortranKeywordTable);
2696 	return def;
2697 }