1Keyword ${with variable} name input.robot /^Keyword ${with variable} name$/;" k 2Keyword 1 input.robot /^Keyword 1$/;" k 3Keyword 2 input.robot /^Keyword 2$/;" k 4KeywordWithNoSpace input.robot /^KeywordWithNoSpace$/;" k 5Keyword_3 input.robot /^Keyword_3$/;" k 6Keyword_4 input.robot /^Keyword_4 [Arguments] @{arg1}$/;" k 7Test case 1 input.robot /^Test case 1$/;" t 8it's ok to be correct input.robot /^it's ok to be correct$/;" k 9list 1 input.robot /^@{list 1} a b c$/;" v 10list_2 input.robot /^@{list_2} d e f$/;" v 11var 1 input.robot /^${var 1} a$/;" v 12var_2 input.robot /^${var_2} b$/;" v 13