1module ModuleFoo = struct 2 type foobar = 3 ConstructorFoo 4 | ConstructorBar of int * char list 5end 6 7type 'a foorecord = 8 { foofield : 'a; 9 barfield : int; 10 mutable foobarfield : list char -> int -> unit } 11 12(* op redif *) 13let (+-) a b = 14 let aplus = a + b 15 and aminus = a - b 16 in 17 (aplus, aminus) 18 19let shall_appear () = 20 let sub_not 1 = 2 21 and shall_not_either fu = () in 22 let nope = 3 23and must_appear_also 4 = () 24 25 26let foo_function a b = (a, b) 27 28class fooClass = 29object (self) 30 val x = () 31 method fooMethod = x 32end 33 34exception ConnectionNotReachable 35