xref: /Universal-ctags/Units/parser-elixir.r/elixir-simple.d/expected.tags (revision 2c46f6d491907a1ae9efd380e1d12e0f6a59fa69)
1MyList	input.ex	/^defmodule MyList do$/;"	module
2reverse	input.ex	/^  defdelegate reverse(list), to: Enum$/;"	delegate	module:MyList
3other_reverse	input.ex	/^  defdelegate other_reverse(list), to: Enum, as: :reverse$/;"	delegate	module:MyList
4Size	input.ex	/^defprotocol Size do$/;"	protocol
5size	input.ex	/^  def size(data)$/;"	function	protocol:Size	access:public
6MyGuards	input.ex	/^defmodule Integer.MyGuards do$/;"	module
7is_even	input.ex	/^  defguard is_even(value) when is_integer(value) and rem(value, 2) == 0$/;"	guard	module:MyGuards	access:public
8is_odd	input.ex	/^  defguardp is_odd(value) when is_integer(value) and rem(value, 2) != 0$/;"	guard	module:MyGuards	access:private
9Size	input.ex	/^defimpl Size, for: BitString do$/;"	implementation	module:MyGuards
10size	input.ex	/^  def size(binary), do: byte_size(binary)$/;"	function	module:MyGuards	access:public