1CHECK2 input.x68 /^CHECK2 CMPI.B #'A',(A0) Is Char > A ?$/;" l 2DUMMY input.x68 /^DUMMY DS.B 1$/;" d 3F_NAME input.x68 /^F_NAME DS.B 80$/;" d 4INITIAL input.x68 /^INITIAL MOVEA.L #F_NAME,A1 Move the first char to A1$/;" l 5PRNSURNAME input.x68 /^PRNSURNAME MOVEA.L #S_NAME,A1 Pointer to start of prompt text$/;" l 6PROMPT1 input.x68 /^PROMPT1 DC.B 'Please enter your firstname (Max 80): '$/;" d 7PROMPT2 input.x68 /^PROMPT2 DC.B 'Please enter your surname (Max 80): '$/;" d 8PRTSTR input.x68 /^PRTSTR EQU 1 Print string Function$/;" d 9QUIT input.x68 /^QUIT STOP #$2700 Stop the prorgam$/;" l 10READSTR input.x68 /^READSTR EQU 2 Read string function$/;" d 11RETURNFALSE input.x68 /^RETURNFALSE MOVE.B #0,D5 Moves a zero to D5 to make CAPS false$/;" l 12RETURNTRUE input.x68 /^RETURNTRUE MOVE.B #1,D5 Moves a one to D5 to make CAPS ture$/;" l 13START input.x68 /^START MOVEA.L #PROMPT1,A1 Pointer to start of prompt text$/;" l 14SURNAME input.x68 /^SURNAME MOVEA.L #PROMPT2,A1 Pointer to start of prompt text$/;" l 15S_NAME input.x68 /^S_NAME DS.B 80$/;" d 16