xref: /Universal-ctags/Units/parser-ada.r/ada-ads.d/expected.tags (revision 5c6251cfce2a2e4d3499090b33a083988ec1e27d)
1Adjust	input.ads	/^    procedure Adjust(S: in out Stack);$/;"	R	packspec:GenStack
2Data	input.ads	/^        Data: Data_Ptr;$/;"	c	type:Node	file:
3Data_Ptr	input.ads	/^    type Data_Ptr is access StackData'Class;$/;"	t	packspec:GenStack	file:
4Empty	input.ads	/^    function Empty(S: Stack) return Boolean;$/;"	R	packspec:GenStack
5Finalize	input.ads	/^    procedure Finalize(S: in out Stack);$/;"	R	packspec:GenStack
6GenStack	input.ads	/^package GenStack is$/;"	P
7Head	input.ads	/^        Head: Node_Ptr;$/;"	c	type:Stack	file:
8Initialize	input.ads	/^    procedure Initialize(S: in out Stack);$/;"	R	packspec:GenStack
9Next	input.ads	/^        Next: Node_Ptr;$/;"	c	type:Node	file:
10Node	input.ads	/^    type Node is record$/;"	t	packspec:GenStack	file:
11Node_Ptr	input.ads	/^    type Node_Ptr is access Node;$/;"	t	packspec:GenStack	file:
12Pop	input.ads	/^    procedure Pop(S: in out Stack; D: in out StackData'class);$/;"	R	packspec:GenStack
13Push	input.ads	/^    procedure Push(S: in out Stack; D: StackData'class);$/;"	R	packspec:GenStack
14Stack	input.ads	/^    type Stack is new Controlled with private;$/;"	t	packspec:GenStack
15Stack	input.ads	/^    type Stack is new Controlled with record$/;"	t	packspec:GenStack	file:
16StackData	input.ads	/^    type StackData is new Controlled with null record;$/;"	t	packspec:GenStack
17Top	input.ads	/^    procedure Top(S: Stack; Data: in out StackData'class);$/;"	R	packspec:GenStack