xref: /Universal-ctags/.github/workflows/testing-gnulinux.yml (revision 6a8d5b709af994ff278390eed2a62d718f05a409)
1name: run units target on GNU/Linux
4  push:
5    branches: [ master ]
6  pull_request:
7    branches: [ master ]
10  testing:
12    strategy:
13      matrix:
14        # os: [ubuntu-18.04, ubuntu-20.04]
15        os: [ubuntu-18.04, ubuntu-20.04]
16        compiler: [gcc, clang]
18    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
20    env:
21      CC: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
22      BUILDDIR: ${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.compiler }}
24      # Our sandbox doesn't work with gcov.
25      # Following cases target ctags without gcov.
26      SANDBOX_CASES: sandbox,sandbox-crash,sandbox-default-req,sandbox-unknown-submode
27      DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
29    steps:
30    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
31      with:
32        fetch-depth: 0
33    - name: update package information
34      run: sudo apt-get -y -o APT::Immediate-Configure=false update
35    - name: install tools and libraries
36      run: sudo apt-get -y -o APT::Immediate-Configure=false install valgrind pkg-config automake bash libjansson-dev libyaml-dev libseccomp-dev libxml2-dev gdb python3-docutils libpcre2-dev
37    - name: install rubygems and lcov
38      if: matrix.compiler == 'gcc' && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-20.04'
39      #run: sudo apt-get -y -o APT::Immediate-Configure=false install rubygems lcov
40      run: sudo apt-get -y -o APT::Immediate-Configure=false install lcov
41    # - name: install lcoveralls
42    #   if: matrix.compiler == 'gcc' && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-20.04'
43    #   run: sudo gem install lcoveralls
44    - name: autogen.sh
45      run: ./autogen.sh
46    - name: report the version of cc
47      run: ${{ matrix.compiler }} --version
48    - name: report the version of make
49      run: make --version
50    - name: configure
51      run: |
52        mkdir -p ${{ matrix.os }}-"$CC"
53        (
54          cd $BUILDDIR
55          if [ ${{ matrix.compiler }} = 'gcc' -a ${{ matrix.os }} = 'ubuntu-20.04' ]; then
56              extra_args=--enable-coverage-gcov
57          fi
58          ../configure --enable-debugging --enable-iconv ${extra_args}
59        )
60    - name: make
61      run: make -C $BUILDDIR -j2
62    - name: report features
63      run: |
64        (
65          cd $BUILDDIR
66          ./ctags --list-features
67        )
68    - name: make check
69      run: make -C $BUILDDIR check
70    - name: make roundtrip
71      run: make -C $BUILDDIR roundtrip
72    - name: make dist
73      run: make -C $BUILDDIR dist
74    - name: make for testing ctags in sandbox
75      run: |
76        (
77          cd $BUILDDIR
78          tar zxf universal-ctags*tar.gz
79          (
80            cd universal-ctags*[0-9]
81            mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}
82            (
83                cd ${BUILDDIR}
84                ../configure --enable-debugging --enable-iconv
85            )
86            make -C ${BUILDDIR} -j2
87          )
88        )
89    - name: make tmain in sandbox
90      run: |
91        (
92          cd $BUILDDIR/universal-ctags*[0-9]
93          make -C ${BUILDDIR} tmain UNITS=${SANDBOX_CASES}
94          make -C ${BUILDDIR}  clean
95        )
96    - name: send coverage info
97      if: matrix.compiler == 'gcc' && matrix.os == 'ubuntu-20.04'
98      run: |
99        # for f in /var/lib/gems/*/gems/lcoveralls-*/lib/lcoveralls/color_formatter.rb; do
100        #     sudo sed -i -e 's/severity.capitalize!/severity = severity.capitalize/' $f
101        # done
102        # for f in /var/lib/gems/*/gems/lcoveralls-*/lib/lcoveralls/runner.rb; do
103        #     sudo sed -i -e 's/\(.*format.*f\)\(%\)\('"'"'.*$\)/\1%%\3/' $f
104        # done
106        (cd ${BUILDDIR}; lcov -c -b . -d . -o coverage.info)
108        # Upload to coveralls.
109        # lcoveralls --root . --retry-count 5 ${BUILDDIR}/coverage.info
111        # Upload to codecov.
112        bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -f ${BUILDDIR}/coverage.info -Z -X gcov -X coveragepy -X search -X xcode -X gcovout -n travis-${{ matrix.os }}