xref: /Lucene/dev-tools/scripts/addBackcompatIndexes.py (revision 71dfa9e9cd07df4e247895a53ed9b4422284c921)
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
4# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
5# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
7# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16# limitations under the License.
19# For usage information, see:
21#   http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/ReleaseTodo#Generate_Backcompat_Indexes
24import os
25import sys
27import scriptutil
29import argparse
30import urllib.error
31import urllib.request
32import re
33import shutil
35def create_and_add_index(source, indextype, index_version, current_version, temp_dir):
36  if not current_version.is_back_compat_with(index_version):
37    prefix = 'unsupported'
38  else:
39    prefix = {
40      'cfs': 'index',
41      'nocfs': 'index',
42      'sorted': 'sorted',
43      'moreterms': 'moreterms',
44      'dvupdates': 'dvupdates',
45      'emptyIndex': 'empty'
46    }[indextype]
47  if indextype in ('cfs', 'nocfs'):
48    dirname = 'index.%s' % indextype
49    filename = '%s.%s-%s.zip' % (prefix, index_version, indextype)
50  else:
51    dirname = indextype
52    filename = '%s.%s.zip' % (prefix, index_version)
54  print('  creating %s...' % filename, end='', flush=True)
55  module = 'backward-codecs'
56  index_dir = os.path.join('lucene', module, 'src/test/org/apache/lucene/backward_index')
57  test_file = os.path.join(index_dir, filename)
58  if os.path.exists(os.path.join(index_dir, filename)):
59    print('uptodate')
60    return
62  test = {
63    'cfs': 'testCreateCFS',
64    'nocfs': 'testCreateNoCFS',
65    'sorted': 'testCreateSortedIndex',
66    'moreterms': 'testCreateMoreTermsIndex',
67    'dvupdates': 'testCreateIndexWithDocValuesUpdates',
68    'emptyIndex': 'testCreateEmptyIndex'
69  }[indextype]
70  gradle_args = ' '.join([
71    '-Ptests.useSecurityManager=false',
72    '-p lucene/%s' % module,
73    'test',
74    '--tests TestBackwardsCompatibility.%s' % test,
75    '-Dtests.bwcdir=%s' % temp_dir,
76    '-Dtests.codec=default'
77  ])
78  base_dir = os.getcwd()
79  bc_index_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, dirname)
80  bc_index_file = os.path.join(bc_index_dir, filename)
82  if os.path.exists(bc_index_file):
83    print('alreadyexists')
84  else:
85    if os.path.exists(bc_index_dir):
86      shutil.rmtree(bc_index_dir)
87    os.chdir(source)
88    scriptutil.run('./gradlew %s' % gradle_args)
89    os.chdir(bc_index_dir)
90    scriptutil.run('zip %s *' % filename)
91    print('done')
93  print('  adding %s...' % filename, end='', flush=True)
94  scriptutil.run('cp %s %s' % (bc_index_file, os.path.join(base_dir, index_dir)))
95  os.chdir(base_dir)
96  scriptutil.run('rm -rf %s' % bc_index_dir)
97  print('done')
99def update_backcompat_tests(types, index_version, current_version):
100  print('  adding new indexes %s to backcompat tests...' % types, end='', flush=True)
101  module = 'lucene/backward-codecs'
102  filename = '%s/src/test/org/apache/lucene/backward_index/TestBackwardsCompatibility.java' % module
103  if not current_version.is_back_compat_with(index_version):
104    matcher = re.compile(r'final String\[\] unsupportedNames = {|};')
105  elif 'sorted' in types:
106    matcher = re.compile(r'static final String\[\] oldSortedNames = {|};')
107  else:
108    matcher = re.compile(r'static final String\[\] oldNames = {|};')
110  strip_dash_suffix_re = re.compile(r'-.*')
112  def find_version(x):
113    x = x.strip()
114    x = re.sub(strip_dash_suffix_re, '', x) # remove the -suffix if any
115    return scriptutil.Version.parse(x)
117  class Edit(object):
118    start = None
119    def __call__(self, buffer, match, line):
120      if self.start:
121        # find where this version should exist
122        i = len(buffer) - 1
123        previous_version_exists = not ('};' in line and buffer[-1].strip().endswith("{"))
124        if previous_version_exists: # Only look if there is a version here
125          v = find_version(buffer[i])
126          while i >= self.start and v.on_or_after(index_version):
127            i -= 1
128            v = find_version(buffer[i])
129        i += 1 # readjust since we skipped past by 1
131        # unfortunately python doesn't have a range remove from list...
132        # here we want to remove any previous references to the version we are adding
133        while i < len(buffer) and index_version.on_or_after(find_version(buffer[i])):
134          buffer.pop(i)
136        if i == len(buffer) and previous_version_exists and not buffer[-1].strip().endswith(","):
137          # add comma
138          buffer[-1] = buffer[-1].rstrip() + ",\n"
140        if previous_version_exists:
141          last = buffer[-1]
142          spaces = ' ' * (len(last) - len(last.lstrip()))
143        else:
144          spaces = '    '
145        for (j, t) in enumerate(types):
146          if t == 'sorted':
147            newline = spaces + ('"sorted.%s"') % index_version
148          else:
149            newline = spaces + ('"%s-%s"' % (index_version, t))
150          if j < len(types) - 1 or i < len(buffer):
151            newline += ','
152          buffer.insert(i, newline + '\n')
153          i += 1
155        buffer.append(line)
156        return True
158      if 'Names = {' in line:
159        self.start = len(buffer) # location of first index name
160      buffer.append(line)
161      return False
163  changed = scriptutil.update_file(filename, matcher, Edit())
164  print('done' if changed else 'uptodate')
166def check_backcompat_tests():
167  print('  checking backcompat tests...', end='', flush=True)
168  scriptutil.run('./gradlew -p lucene/backward-codecs test --tests TestBackwardsCompatibility')
169  print('ok')
171def download_from_cdn(version, remotename, localname):
172  url = 'http://dlcdn.apache.org/lucene/java/%s/%s' % (version, remotename)
173  try:
174    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, localname)
175    return True
176  except urllib.error.URLError as e:
177    if e.code == 404:
178      return False
179    raise e
181def download_from_archives(version, remotename, localname):
182  url = 'http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/java/%s/%s' % (version, remotename)
183  try:
184    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, localname)
185    return True
186  except urllib.error.URLError as e:
187    if e.code == 404:
188      return False
189    raise e
191def download_release(version, temp_dir, force):
192  print('  downloading %s source release...' % version, end='', flush=True)
193  source = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'lucene-%s' % version)
194  if os.path.exists(source):
195    if force:
196      shutil.rmtree(source)
197    else:
198      print('uptodate')
199      return source
201  filename = 'lucene-%s-src.tgz' % version
202  source_tgz = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
203  if not download_from_cdn(version, filename, source_tgz) and \
204     not download_from_archives(version, filename, source_tgz):
205    raise Exception('Could not find version %s in apache CDN or archives' % version)
207  olddir = os.getcwd()
208  os.chdir(temp_dir)
209  scriptutil.run('tar -xvzf %s' % source_tgz)
210  os.chdir(olddir)
211  print('done')
212  return source
214def read_config():
215  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
216                                   description='''\
217Add backcompat index and test for new version.  See:
220  parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true', default=False,
221                      help='Redownload the version and rebuild, even if it already exists')
222  parser.add_argument('--no-cleanup', dest='cleanup', action='store_false', default=True,
223                      help='Do not cleanup the built indexes, so that they can be reused ' +
224                           'for adding to another branch')
225  parser.add_argument('--temp-dir', metavar='DIR', default='/tmp/lucenebwc',
226                      help='Temp directory to build backcompat indexes within')
227  parser.add_argument('version', type=scriptutil.Version.parse,
228                      help='Version to add, of the form X.Y.Z')
229  c = parser.parse_args()
231  return c
233def main():
234  c = read_config()
235  if not os.path.exists(c.temp_dir):
236    os.makedirs(c.temp_dir)
238  print('\nCreating backwards compatibility indexes')
239  source = download_release(c.version, c.temp_dir, c.force)
240  current_version = scriptutil.Version.parse(scriptutil.find_current_version())
241  create_and_add_index(source, 'cfs', c.version, current_version, c.temp_dir)
242  create_and_add_index(source, 'nocfs', c.version, current_version, c.temp_dir)
243  should_make_sorted =     current_version.is_back_compat_with(c.version) \
244                       and (c.version.major > 6 or (c.version.major == 6 and c.version.minor >= 2))
245  if should_make_sorted:
246    create_and_add_index(source, 'sorted', c.version, current_version, c.temp_dir)
247  if c.version.minor == 0 and c.version.bugfix == 0 and current_version.is_back_compat_with(c.version):
248    create_and_add_index(source, 'moreterms', c.version, current_version, c.temp_dir)
249    create_and_add_index(source, 'dvupdates', c.version, current_version, c.temp_dir)
250    create_and_add_index(source, 'emptyIndex', c.version, current_version, c.temp_dir)
251    print ('\nMANUAL UPDATE REQUIRED: edit TestBackwardsCompatibility to enable moreterms, dvupdates, and empty index testing')
253  print('\nAdding backwards compatibility tests')
254  update_backcompat_tests(['cfs', 'nocfs'], c.version, current_version)
255  if should_make_sorted:
256    update_backcompat_tests(['sorted'], c.version, current_version)
258  print('\nTesting changes')
259  check_backcompat_tests()
261  if c.cleanup:
262    print('\nCleaning up')
263    print('  deleting %s...' % c.temp_dir, end='', flush=True)
264    shutil.rmtree(c.temp_dir)
265    print('done')
267  print()
269if __name__ == '__main__':
270  try:
271    main()
272  except KeyboardInterrupt:
273    print('\nRecieved Ctrl-C, exiting early')