xref: /Lucene/help/tests.txt (revision 3edfeb5eb224344e35f3454f5d51288ab05452c1)
174e88debSCassandra TargettTesting
274e88debSCassandra Targett=======
374e88debSCassandra Targett
474e88debSCassandra TargettExamples below assume cwd at the gradlew script in the top directory of
574e88debSCassandra Targettthe project's checkout.
674e88debSCassandra Targett
774e88debSCassandra Targett
874e88debSCassandra TargettGeneric test/ checkup commands
974e88debSCassandra Targett------------------------------
1074e88debSCassandra Targett
1174e88debSCassandra TargettRun all unit tests:
1274e88debSCassandra Targett
1374e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew test
1474e88debSCassandra Targett
1574e88debSCassandra TargettRun all verification tasks, including tests:
1674e88debSCassandra Targett
1774e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew check
1874e88debSCassandra Targett
1974e88debSCassandra TargettRun all verification tasks, excluding tests (-x is gradle's generic task
2074e88debSCassandra Targettexclusion mechanism):
2174e88debSCassandra Targett
2274e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew check -x test
2374e88debSCassandra Targett
2474e88debSCassandra TargettRun verification for a selected module only:
2574e88debSCassandra Targett
2674e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew :lucene:core:check     # By full gradle project path
2774e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew -p lucene/core check   # By folder designation + task
2874e88debSCassandra Targett
2974e88debSCassandra Targett
3074e88debSCassandra TargettRandomization
3174e88debSCassandra Targett-------------
3274e88debSCassandra Targett
3374e88debSCassandra TargettTo run tests with the given starting seed pass 'tests.seed'
3474e88debSCassandra Targettproperty:
3574e88debSCassandra Targett
3674e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew :lucene:misc:test -Ptests.seed=DEADBEEF
3774e88debSCassandra Targett
3874e88debSCassandra TargettThere are a lot of other test randomization properties
3974e88debSCassandra Targettavailable. To list them, their defaults and current values
4074e88debSCassandra Targettrun the testOpts task against a project that has tests.
4174e88debSCassandra TargettFor example:
4274e88debSCassandra Targett
4374e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew -p lucene/core testOpts
4474e88debSCassandra Targett
4574e88debSCassandra Targett
4674e88debSCassandra TargettFiltering
4774e88debSCassandra Targett---------
4874e88debSCassandra Targett
4974e88debSCassandra TargettRun tests of lucene-core module:
5074e88debSCassandra Targett
5174e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew -p lucene/core test
5274e88debSCassandra Targett
5374e88debSCassandra TargettRun a single test case (from a single module). Uses gradle's built-in filtering
5474e88debSCassandra Targett(https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_testing.html#test_filtering):
5574e88debSCassandra Targett
5674e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew -p lucene/core test --tests TestDemo
5774e88debSCassandra Targett
5874e88debSCassandra TargettRun all tests in a package:
5974e88debSCassandra Targett
6074e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew -p lucene/core test --tests "org.apache.lucene.document.*"
6174e88debSCassandra Targett
6274e88debSCassandra TargettRun all test classes/ methods that match this pattern:
6374e88debSCassandra Targett
6474e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew -p lucene/core test --tests "*testFeatureMissing*"
6574e88debSCassandra Targett
6674e88debSCassandra Targett
6774e88debSCassandra TargettTest groups
6874e88debSCassandra Targett-----------
6974e88debSCassandra Targett
7074e88debSCassandra TargettTests can be filtered by an annotation they're marked with.
71*3edfeb5eSRobert MuirSome test group annotations include: @AwaitsFix, @Nightly
7274e88debSCassandra Targett
7374e88debSCassandra TargettThis uses filtering infrastructure on the *runner* (randomizedtesting),
7474e88debSCassandra Targettnot gradle's built-in mechanisms (but it can be combined with "--tests").
75*3edfeb5eSRobert MuirFor example, run all lucene-core tests annotated as @Nightly:
7674e88debSCassandra Targett
77*3edfeb5eSRobert Muirgradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.filter=@Nightly
7874e88debSCassandra Targett
7974e88debSCassandra TargettTest group filters can be combined into Boolean expressions:
8074e88debSCassandra Targett
81*3edfeb5eSRobert Muirgradlew -p lucene/core test "default and not(@awaitsfix or @nightly)"
8274e88debSCassandra Targett
8374e88debSCassandra Targett
8474e88debSCassandra TargettReiteration ("beasting")
8574e88debSCassandra Targett------------------------
8674e88debSCassandra Targett
8774e88debSCassandra TargettMultiply each test case N times (this works by repeating the same test
8874e88debSCassandra Targettwithin the same JVM; it also works in IDEs):
8974e88debSCassandra Targett
9074e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew -p lucene/core test --tests TestDemo -Ptests.iters=5
9174e88debSCassandra Targett
9274e88debSCassandra TargettTests tasks will be (by default) re-executed on each invocation because
93486141f0SDawid Weisswe pick a random global tests.seed and because we want them to (force
94486141f0SDawid Weissthe test task to run). If you want to make the 'tests' task obey up-to-date
95486141f0SDawid Weissgradle rules, fix the seed and turn off up to date trigger:
9674e88debSCassandra Targett
97486141f0SDawid Weissgradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.seed=deadbeef -Ptests.neverUpToDate=false
9874e88debSCassandra Targett
99486141f0SDawid WeissThese properties can be set in your local gradle.properties. To force re-execution
100486141f0SDawid Weissof tests, even for the same master seed, apply cleanTest task:
10174e88debSCassandra Targett
10274e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew -p lucene/core cleanTest test -Ptests.seed=deadbeef
10374e88debSCassandra Targett
10483ed210fSDawid WeissThe 'tests.iters' option should be sufficient for individual test cases
10583ed210fSDawid Weissand is *much* faster than trying to duplicate re-runs of the entire
10683ed210fSDawid Weisstest suites. When it is absolutely needed to re-run an entire suite (because
10783ed210fSDawid Weissof randomization in the static initialization, for example), you can do it
10883ed210fSDawid Weissby running the 'beast' task with 'tests.dups' option:
10983ed210fSDawid Weiss
11083ed210fSDawid Weissgradlew -p lucene/core beast -Ptests.dups=10 --tests TestPerFieldDocValuesFormat
11183ed210fSDawid Weiss
11283ed210fSDawid WeissNote the filter (--tests) used to narrow down test reiterations to a particular
11383ed210fSDawid Weissclass. You can use any filter, including no filter at all, but it rarely makes
11483ed210fSDawid Weisssense (will take ages). By default the test tasks generated by the 'beast' mode
11583ed210fSDawid Weissuse a random starting seed for randomization. If you pass an explicit seed, this
11683ed210fSDawid Weisswon't be the case (all tasks will use exactly the same starting seed):
11783ed210fSDawid Weiss
11883ed210fSDawid Weissgradlew -p lucene/core beast -Ptests.dups=10 --tests TestPerFieldDocValuesFormat -Dtests.seed=deadbeef
11974e88debSCassandra Targett
12006907a2cSRobert Muir
12174e88debSCassandra TargettVerbose mode and debugging
12274e88debSCassandra Targett--------------------------
12374e88debSCassandra Targett
12474e88debSCassandra TargettThe "tests.verbose" mode switch enables standard streams from tests
12574e88debSCassandra Targettto be dumped directly to the console. Run your verbose tests explicitly
12674e88debSCassandra Targettspecifying the project and test task or a fully qualified task path. Example:
12774e88debSCassandra Targett
12874e88debSCassandra Targettgradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.verbose=true --tests "TestDemo"
12974e88debSCassandra Targett
13074e88debSCassandra Targett
1311089b482SRobert MuirRun GUI tests headlessly with Xvfb (Linux only)
1321089b482SRobert Muir-----------------------------------------------
1331089b482SRobert Muir
1341089b482SRobert MuirGUI test for Luke application launches a window, this might mess up your
1351089b482SRobert Muirmonitor depending on the display manager you are using. In that case,
1361089b482SRobert Muiryou can install Xvfb (X Virtual Frame Buffer) so that the test runs on the
1371089b482SRobert Muirvirtual display and does not open a real window.
1381089b482SRobert Muir
1391089b482SRobert Muir# redhat-type OS
1401089b482SRobert Muir$ sudo yum install Xvfb
1411089b482SRobert Muir
1421089b482SRobert Muir# ubuntu/debian-type OS
1431089b482SRobert Muir$ sudo apt install xvfb
1441089b482SRobert Muir
1451089b482SRobert Muir# arch
1461089b482SRobert Muir$ sudo pacman -S xorg-server-xvfb
1471089b482SRobert Muir
1481089b482SRobert Muir
149e504798aSRobert MuirProfiling slow tests
150e504798aSRobert Muir--------------------
151e504798aSRobert Muir
152e504798aSRobert MuirThe "tests.profile" mode switch turns on a sampling profiler during test execution,
1534b5105e1SRobert Muirand prints a simple summary at the end.
1544b5105e1SRobert Muir
1554b5105e1SRobert MuirFor example, top-10 histogram of methods (cpu samples):
156e504798aSRobert Muir
157e504798aSRobert Muirgradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.profile=true
158e504798aSRobert Muir
1594b5105e1SRobert MuirAlternatively, you can profile heap allocations instead:
1604b5105e1SRobert Muir
1614b5105e1SRobert Muirgradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.profile=true -Ptests.profile.mode=heap
1624b5105e1SRobert Muir
1634b5105e1SRobert MuirBy default, results are computed (deduplicated) on just the method name, folding
1644b5105e1SRobert Muirtogether all events from the same method. To drill down further, you can increase the
1654b5105e1SRobert Muirstack size from the default of 1, to get a histogram of stacktraces instead:
1664b5105e1SRobert Muir
1674b5105e1SRobert Muirgradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.profile=true -Ptests.profile.stacksize=8
1684b5105e1SRobert Muir
1694b5105e1SRobert MuirFor big methods, it can also be helpful to include line numbers for more granularity:
1704b5105e1SRobert Muir
1714b5105e1SRobert Muirgradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.profile=true -Ptests.profile.linenumbers=true
1724b5105e1SRobert Muir
1734b5105e1SRobert MuirUsing these additional options will make the results more sparse, so it may be useful
1744b5105e1SRobert Muirto increase the top-N count:
1754b5105e1SRobert Muir
176ed7f507cSRobert Muirgradlew -p lucene/core test -Ptests.profile=true -Ptests.profile.count=100
177246c4bebSDawid Weiss
178246c4bebSDawid Weiss
17906907a2cSRobert MuirGenerating Coverage Reports
18006907a2cSRobert Muir------------------------------
18106907a2cSRobert Muir
18206907a2cSRobert MuirRunning the "coverage" task (or setting the property "tests.coverage" to true)
18306907a2cSRobert Muirwill run the tests with instrumentation to record code coverage.
18406907a2cSRobert Muir
18506907a2cSRobert MuirExample:
18606907a2cSRobert Muir
18706907a2cSRobert Muirgradlew -p lucene/core coverage
18806907a2cSRobert Muiropen lucene/core/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html
18906907a2cSRobert Muir
1909a17d676SNhat NguyenIf you want to use test filtering to just check a particular test, specify
1919a17d676SNhat Nguyenthe "test" task explicitly before "coverage":
1929a17d676SNhat Nguyen
1939a17d676SNhat Nguyengradlew -p lucene/core test --tests TestDemo coverage
1949a17d676SNhat Nguyenopen lucene/core/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html
1959a17d676SNhat Nguyen
19606907a2cSRobert Muir
197246c4bebSDawid WeissExternal data sets
198246c4bebSDawid Weiss------------------
199246c4bebSDawid Weiss
200246c4bebSDawid WeissSome tests may require external (and large) data sets. To see relevant tasks
201246c4bebSDawid Weissthat download and extract these data files automatically, run the following:
202246c4bebSDawid Weiss
203246c4bebSDawid Weissgradlew tasks --group "Data set download"