xref: /Lucene/dev-tools/scripts/releasedJirasRegex.py (revision 87c131baa739f591f2585ba1666b7d98768a5450)
1*87c131baSJan Høydahl#!/usr/bin/env python3
2*87c131baSJan Høydahl# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
4ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
5ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
7ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9ac473a9fSSteve Rowe#
10ac473a9fSSteve Rowe#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11ac473a9fSSteve Rowe#
12ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# limitations under the License.
17ac473a9fSSteve Rowe
18ac473a9fSSteve Roweimport sys
19ac473a9fSSteve Roweimport os
20ac473a9fSSteve Rowesys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))
21ac473a9fSSteve Rowefrom scriptutil import *
22ac473a9fSSteve Roweimport argparse
23ac473a9fSSteve Roweimport re
24ac473a9fSSteve Rowe
25ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# Pulls out all JIRAs mentioned at the beginning of bullet items
26ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# under the given version in the given CHANGES.txt file
27ac473a9fSSteve Rowe# and prints a regular expression that will match all of them
28ac473a9fSSteve Rowe#
298c47d20dSSteve Rowe# Caveat: In ancient versions (Lucene v1.9 and older; Solr v1.1 and older),
308c47d20dSSteve Rowe# does not find Bugzilla bugs or JIRAs not mentioned at the beginning of
318c47d20dSSteve Rowe# bullets or numbered entries.
328c47d20dSSteve Rowe#
33ac473a9fSSteve Rowedef print_released_jiras_regex(version, filename):
34ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  release_boundary_re = re.compile(r'\s*====*\s+(.*)\s+===')
35ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  version_re = re.compile(r'%s(?:$|[^-])' % version)
36ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  bullet_re = re.compile(r'\s*(?:[-*]|\d+\.(?=(?:\s|(?:LUCENE|SOLR)-)))(.*)')
37ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  jira_ptn = r'(?:LUCENE|SOLR)-\d+'
38ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  jira_re = re.compile(jira_ptn)
39ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  jira_list_ptn = r'(?:[:,/()\s]*(?:%s))+' % jira_ptn
40ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  jira_list_re = re.compile(jira_list_ptn)
41ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  more_jiras_on_next_line_re = re.compile(r'%s\s*,\s*$' % jira_list_ptn) # JIRA list with trailing comma
42ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  under_requested_version = False
43ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  requested_version_found = False
44ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  more_jiras_on_next_line = False
45ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  lucene_jiras = []
46ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  solr_jiras = []
47ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  with open(filename, 'r') as changes:
48ac473a9fSSteve Rowe    for line in changes:
49ac473a9fSSteve Rowe      version_boundary = release_boundary_re.match(line)
50ac473a9fSSteve Rowe      if version_boundary is not None:
51ac473a9fSSteve Rowe        if under_requested_version:
52ac473a9fSSteve Rowe          break # No longer under the requested version - stop looking for JIRAs
53ac473a9fSSteve Rowe        else:
54ac473a9fSSteve Rowe          if version_re.search(version_boundary.group(1)):
55ac473a9fSSteve Rowe            under_requested_version = True # Start looking for JIRAs
56ac473a9fSSteve Rowe            requested_version_found = True
57ac473a9fSSteve Rowe      else:
58ac473a9fSSteve Rowe        if under_requested_version:
59ac473a9fSSteve Rowe          bullet_match = bullet_re.match(line)
60ac473a9fSSteve Rowe          if more_jiras_on_next_line or bullet_match is not None:
61ac473a9fSSteve Rowe            content = line if bullet_match is None else bullet_match.group(1)
62ac473a9fSSteve Rowe            jira_list_match = jira_list_re.match(content)
63ac473a9fSSteve Rowe            if jira_list_match is not None:
64ac473a9fSSteve Rowe              jira_match = jira_re.findall(jira_list_match.group(0))
65ac473a9fSSteve Rowe              for jira in jira_match:
66ac473a9fSSteve Rowe                (lucene_jiras if jira.startswith('LUCENE-') else solr_jiras).append(jira.rsplit('-', 1)[-1])
67ac473a9fSSteve Rowe            more_jiras_on_next_line = more_jiras_on_next_line_re.match(content)
68ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  if not requested_version_found:
69ac473a9fSSteve Rowe    raise Exception('Could not find %s in %s' % (version, filename))
70ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  print()
71ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  if (len(lucene_jiras) == 0 and len(solr_jiras) == 0):
72ac473a9fSSteve Rowe    print('(No JIRAs => no regex)', end='')
73ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  else:
74ac473a9fSSteve Rowe    if len(lucene_jiras) > 0:
75ac473a9fSSteve Rowe      print(r'LUCENE-(?:%s)\b%s' % ('|'.join(lucene_jiras), '|' if len(solr_jiras) > 0 else ''), end='')
76ac473a9fSSteve Rowe    if len(solr_jiras) > 0:
77ac473a9fSSteve Rowe      print(r'SOLR-(?:%s)\b' % '|'.join(solr_jiras), end='')
78ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  print()
79ac473a9fSSteve Rowe
80ac473a9fSSteve Rowedef read_config():
81ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
82ac473a9fSSteve Rowe    description='Prints a regex matching JIRAs fixed in the given version by parsing the given CHANGES.txt file')
83ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  parser.add_argument('version', type=Version.parse, help='Version of the form X.Y.Z')
84ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  parser.add_argument('changes', help='CHANGES.txt file to parse')
85ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  return parser.parse_args()
86ac473a9fSSteve Rowe
87ac473a9fSSteve Rowedef main():
88ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  config = read_config()
89ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  print_released_jiras_regex(config.version, config.changes)
90ac473a9fSSteve Rowe
91ac473a9fSSteve Roweif __name__ == '__main__':
92ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  try:
93ac473a9fSSteve Rowe    main()
94ac473a9fSSteve Rowe  except KeyboardInterrupt:
95ac473a9fSSteve Rowe    print('\nReceived Ctrl-C, exiting early')