1e4e39a6dSChristian HalstrickcorruptLongObject=The content hash ''{0}'' of the long object ''{1}'' doesn''t match its id, the corrupt object will be deleted. 2536db18cSMatthias SohnincorrectLONG_OBJECT_ID_LENGTH=Incorrect LONG_OBJECT_ID_LENGTH. 394bcde66SMarkus DuftinconsistentMediafileLength=Mediafile {0} has unexpected length; expected {1} but found {2}. 494bcde66SMarkus DuftinconsistentContentLength=Unexpected content length reported by LFS server ({0}), expected {1} but reported was {2} 5536db18cSMatthias SohninvalidLongId=Invalid id: {0} 6536db18cSMatthias SohninvalidLongIdLength=Invalid id length {0}; should be {1} 794bcde66SMarkus DuftlfsUnavailable=LFS is not available for repository {0} 8*c0103bc5SMarkus DuftprotocolError=LFS Protocol Error {0}: {1} 9536db18cSMatthias SohnrequiredHashFunctionNotAvailable=Required hash function {0} not available. 100a86b03eSDavid PursehouserepositoryNotFound=Repository {0} not found 110a86b03eSDavid PursehouserepositoryReadOnly=Repository {0} is read-only 12d52bf2eeSDavid PursehouselfsUnavailable=LFS is not available for repository {0} 137245aa03SDavid PursehouselfsUnathorized=Not authorized to perform operation {0} on repository {1} 1459014116SDavid PursehouselfsFailedToGetRepository=failed to get repository {0} 1594bcde66SMarkus DuftlfsNoDownloadUrl="Need to download object from LFS server but couldn't determine LFS server URL" 1694bcde66SMarkus DuftserverFailure=When trying to open a connection to {0} the server responded with an error code. rc={1} 1794bcde66SMarkus DuftwrongAmoutOfDataReceived=While downloading data from the content server {0} {1} bytes have been received while {2} have been expected 1894bcde66SMarkus DuftuserConfigInvalid="User config file {0} invalid {1}" 19c0bb9928SMarkus DuftmissingLocalObject="Local Object {0} is missing"