# Copyright (c) 2021, Hiroo Hayashi
# This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
# Makefile to generate ctags_vs2013.vcxproj and ctags_vs2013.vcxproj.filters
# usage: make [-B]
# Restrictions:
# - Input Files: ctags_vs2013.vcxproj.in and ctags_vs2013.vcxproj.filters.in
# - The last charactor of the files must be '>'.
# cf. check_eof_chars_in_vcxproj() in misc/src-check.
# - Other lines must be end with LF.
# - GNU make is required.
VCXPROJ = ctags_vs2013.vcxproj
VCXPROJ_FILTERS = ctags_vs2013.vcxproj.filters
SOURCE_MAK = ../source.mak
include $(SOURCE_MAK)
# exclude some files for Win32 and replace a slash (/) to a backslash (\)
MVC_SRCS_EXCLUDE = main/mbcs.c main/seccomp.c main/trace.c
MVC_SRCS_CONV = $(sort $(subst /,\\,$(filter-out $(MVC_SRCS_EXCLUDE),$(MVC_SRCS))))
MVC_HEADS_EXCLUDE = main/interactive_p.h main/mbcs.h main/mbcs_p.h main/trace.h
MVC_HEADS_CONV = $(sort $(subst /,\\,$(filter-out $(MVC_HEADS_EXCLUDE),$(MVC_HEADS))))
MVC_INC_DIRS1 = ..;../main;../gnulib;../parsers;../parsers/cxx;../dsl;
MVC_INC_DIRS2 = ..;../main;../gnulib;../parsers;../parsers/cxx;
# a portable 'echo' which disables the interpretation of escape characters like 'echo -E' on bash
# see https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/autoconf/manual/autoconf-2.70/autoconf.html#Limitations-of-Builtins
ECHO = printf '%s\n'
# escape backslashes and newlines in the replacement pattern for sed
ESCAPE_BACKSLASH = sed -e 's|\\|\\\\|g' -e 's/$$/\\/' | sed -e '$$s/\\$$//'
# insert CR before LF except for the last line
LF2CRLF = sed -e '$$!s/$$/\r/'
@echo generating $@ ...
@# C source files \
SRCS=$$(for i in $(MVC_SRCS_CONV); do \
$(ECHO) " "; \
done); \
# header files \
HEADS=$$(for i in $(MVC_HEADS_CONV); do \
$(ECHO) " "; \
done; \
$(ECHO) " "); \
# replace @foo@ in $(VCXPROJ).in \
sed -e "s![@]SRCS[@]!$$SRCS!" \
-e "s![@]HEADS[@]!$$HEADS!" \
-e "s|[@]INC_DIRS1[@]|${MVC_INC_DIRS1}|" \
-e "s|[@]INC_DIRS2[@]|${MVC_INC_DIRS2}|" $< | $(LF2CRLF) > $@
@echo generating $@ ...
@# C source files \
SRCS=$$(for i in $(MVC_SRCS_CONV); do \
dirname=$$($(ECHO) $$i | sed -e 's/\\[a-zA-Z_0-9.-]*$$//'); \
$(ECHO) " "; \
$(ECHO) " Source Files\\$$dirname"; \
$(ECHO) " "; \
done); \
# header files \
HEADS=$$(for i in $(MVC_HEADS_CONV); do \
$(ECHO) " "; \
$(ECHO) " Header Files"; \
$(ECHO) " "; \
done; \
$(ECHO) " "; \
$(ECHO) " Header Files"; \
$(ECHO) " "); \
# replace @foo@ in $(VCXPROJ_FILTERS).in \
sed -e "s![@]SRCS[@]!$$SRCS!" \
-e "s![@]HEADS[@]!$$HEADS!" $< | $(LF2CRLF) > $@