/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Dmitry Peskov (dmitrypeskov@users.sourceforge.net) * * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version. * * File: ttcn.c * Description: Adds TTCN-3 support to Exuberant ctags * Version: 0.4 * Author: Dmitry Peskov (dmitrypeskov@users.sourceforge.net) * Based on ETSI ES 201 873-1 V3.4.1 appendix A * Version history: * 0.1 Initial version * 0.2 Enhancement: faster binary search in keyword list * Fix: skip tag generation from import definitions (import/except lists) * 0.3 Fix: expression parser no longer relies on optional semicolon * after a const/var/timer/modulepar definition to find where the initializer * actually ends * Fix: handle multiple module parameters not separated by semicolons * 0.31 Fix: lexer bug, missing character after a charstring close-quote * 0.4 Enhancement: tags for record/set/union members, enum values, port instances * within components */ /* INCLUDE FILES */ #include "general.h" /* always include first */ #include #include /* to declare strxxx() functions */ #include /* to define isxxx() macros */ #include "parse.h" /* always include */ #include "read.h" /* to define file fileReadLine() */ #include "routines.h" #include "debug.h" /* DATA */ /* Tag kinds generated by parser */ typedef enum { K_MODULE, K_TYPE, K_CONST, K_TEMPLATE, K_FUNCTION, K_SIGNATURE, K_TESTCASE, K_ALTSTEP, K_GROUP, K_MODULEPAR, K_VAR, K_TIMER, K_PORT, K_MEMBER, K_ENUM, K_NONE /* No tag */ } ttcnKind_t; static kindDefinition ttcnKinds [] = { { true, 'M', "module", "module definition" }, { true, 't', "type", "type definition" }, { true, 'c', "const", "constant definition" }, { true, 'd', "template", "template definition" }, { true, 'f', "function", "function definition" }, { true, 's', "signature", "signature definition" }, { true, 'C', "testcase", "testcase definition" }, { true, 'a', "altstep", "altstep definition" }, { true, 'G', "group", "group definition" }, { true, 'P', "modulepar", "module parameter definition" }, { true, 'v', "var", "variable instance" }, { true, 'T', "timer", "timer instance" }, { true, 'p', "port", "port instance" }, { true, 'm', "member", "record/set/union member" }, { true, 'e', "enum", "enumeration value" } }; /* TTCN token types */ typedef enum { /* Values up to 255 are reserved for single-char tokens: '+', '-', etc. */ T_ID = 256, /* Identifier */ T_LITERAL, /* Literal: integer, real, (char|hex|octet|bit)string */ /* Keywords */ T_ACTION, T_ACTIVATE, T_ADDRESS, T_ALIVE, T_ALL, T_ALT, T_ALTSTEP, T_AND, T_AND4B, T_ANY, T_ANYTYPE, T_BITSTRING, T_BOOLEAN, T_CASE, T_CALL, T_CATCH, T_CHAR, T_CHARSTRING, T_CHECK, T_CLEAR, T_COMPLEMENT, T_COMPONENT, T_CONNECT, T_CONST, T_CONTROL, T_CREATE, T_DEACTIVATE, T_DEFAULT, T_DISCONNECT, T_DISPLAY, T_DO, T_DONE, T_ELSE, T_ENCODE, T_ENUMERATED, T_ERROR, T_EXCEPT, T_EXCEPTION, T_EXECUTE, T_EXTENDS, T_EXTENSION, T_EXTERNAL, T_FAIL, T_FALSE, T_FLOAT, T_FOR, T_FROM, T_FUNCTION, T_GETVERDICT, T_GETCALL, T_GETREPLY, T_GOTO, T_GROUP, T_HEXSTRING, T_IF, T_IFPRESENT, T_IMPORT, T_IN, T_INCONC, T_INFINITY, T_INOUT, T_INTEGER, T_INTERLEAVE, T_KILL, T_KILLED, T_LABEL, T_LANGUAGE, T_LENGTH, T_LOG, T_MAP, T_MATCH, T_MESSAGE, T_MIXED, T_MOD, T_MODIFIES, T_MODULE, T_MODULEPAR, T_MTC, T_NOBLOCK, T_NONE, T_NOT, T_NOT4B, T_NOWAIT, T_NULL, T_OCTETSTRING, T_OF, T_OMIT, T_ON, T_OPTIONAL, T_OR, T_OR4B, T_OUT, T_OVERRIDE, T_PARAM, T_PASS, T_PATTERN, T_PORT, T_PROCEDURE, T_RAISE, T_READ, T_RECEIVE, T_RECORD, T_RECURSIVE, T_REM, T_REPEAT, T_REPLY, T_RETURN, T_RUNNING, T_RUNS, T_SELECT, T_SELF, T_SEND, T_SENDER, T_SET, T_SETVERDICT, T_SIGNATURE, T_START, T_STOP, T_SUBSET, T_SUPERSET, T_SYSTEM, T_TEMPLATE, T_TESTCASE, T_TIMEOUT, T_TIMER, T_TO, T_TRIGGER, T_TRUE, T_TYPE, T_UNION, T_UNIVERSAL, T_UNMAP, T_VALUE, T_VALUEOF, T_VAR, T_VARIANT, T_VERDICTTYPE, T_WHILE, T_WITH, T_XOR, T_XOR4B, /* Double-char operators (single-char operators are returned "as is") */ T_OP_TO /* .. */, T_OP_EQ /* == */, T_OP_NE /* != */, T_OP_LE /* <= */, T_OP_GE /* >= */, T_OP_ASS /* := */, T_OP_ARROW /* -> */, T_OP_SHL /* << */, T_OP_SHR /* >> */, T_OP_ROTL /* <@ */, T_OP_ROTR /* @> */ } ttcnTokenType_t; /* TTCN keywords. List MUST be sorted in alphabetic order!!! */ static struct s_ttcnKeyword { const ttcnTokenType_t id; const char * name; const ttcnKind_t kind; /* Corresponding tag kind, K_NONE if none */ } ttcnKeywords [] = { {T_ACTION, "action", K_NONE}, {T_ACTIVATE, "activate", K_NONE}, {T_ADDRESS, "address", K_NONE}, {T_ALIVE, "alive", K_NONE}, {T_ALL, "all", K_NONE}, {T_ALT, "alt", K_NONE}, {T_ALTSTEP, "altstep", K_ALTSTEP}, {T_AND, "and", K_NONE}, {T_AND4B, "and4b", K_NONE}, {T_ANY, "any", K_NONE}, {T_ANYTYPE, "anytype", K_NONE}, {T_BITSTRING, "bitstring", K_NONE}, {T_BOOLEAN, "boolean", K_NONE}, {T_CASE, "case", K_NONE}, {T_CALL, "call", K_NONE}, {T_CATCH, "catch", K_NONE}, {T_CHAR, "char", K_NONE}, {T_CHARSTRING, "charstring", K_NONE}, {T_CHECK, "check", K_NONE}, {T_CLEAR, "clear", K_NONE}, {T_COMPLEMENT, "complement", K_NONE}, {T_COMPONENT, "component", K_NONE}, {T_CONNECT, "connect", K_NONE}, {T_CONST, "const", K_CONST}, {T_CONTROL, "control", K_NONE}, {T_CREATE, "create", K_NONE}, {T_DEACTIVATE, "deactivate", K_NONE}, {T_DEFAULT, "default", K_NONE}, {T_DISCONNECT, "disconnect", K_NONE}, {T_DISPLAY, "display", K_NONE}, {T_DO, "do", K_NONE}, {T_DONE, "done", K_NONE}, {T_ELSE, "else", K_NONE}, {T_ENCODE, "encode", K_NONE}, {T_ENUMERATED, "enumerated", K_NONE}, {T_ERROR, "error", K_NONE}, {T_EXCEPT, "except", K_NONE}, {T_EXCEPTION, "exception", K_NONE}, {T_EXECUTE, "execute", K_NONE}, {T_EXTENDS, "extends", K_NONE}, {T_EXTENSION, "extension", K_NONE}, {T_EXTERNAL, "external", K_NONE}, {T_FAIL, "fail", K_NONE}, {T_FALSE, "false", K_NONE}, {T_FLOAT, "float", K_NONE}, {T_FOR, "for", K_NONE}, {T_FROM, "from", K_NONE}, {T_FUNCTION, "function", K_FUNCTION}, {T_GETVERDICT, "getverdict", K_NONE}, {T_GETCALL, "getcall", K_NONE}, {T_GETREPLY, "getreply", K_NONE}, {T_GOTO, "goto", K_NONE}, {T_GROUP, "group", K_GROUP}, {T_HEXSTRING, "hexstring", K_NONE}, {T_IF, "if", K_NONE}, {T_IFPRESENT, "ifpresent", K_NONE}, {T_IMPORT, "import", K_NONE}, {T_IN, "in", K_NONE}, {T_INCONC, "inconc", K_NONE}, {T_INFINITY, "infinity", K_NONE}, {T_INOUT, "inout", K_NONE}, {T_INTEGER, "integer", K_NONE}, {T_INTERLEAVE, "interleave", K_NONE}, {T_KILL, "kill", K_NONE}, {T_KILLED, "killed", K_NONE}, {T_LABEL, "label", K_NONE}, {T_LANGUAGE, "language", K_NONE}, {T_LENGTH, "length", K_NONE}, {T_LOG, "log", K_NONE}, {T_MAP, "map", K_NONE}, {T_MATCH, "match", K_NONE}, {T_MESSAGE, "message", K_NONE}, {T_MIXED, "mixed", K_NONE}, {T_MOD, "mod", K_NONE}, {T_MODIFIES, "modifies", K_NONE}, {T_MODULE, "module", K_MODULE}, {T_MODULEPAR, "modulepar", K_MODULEPAR}, {T_MTC, "mtc", K_NONE}, {T_NOBLOCK, "noblock", K_NONE}, {T_NONE, "none", K_NONE}, {T_NOT, "not", K_NONE}, {T_NOT4B, "not4b", K_NONE}, {T_NOWAIT, "nowait", K_NONE}, {T_NULL, "null", K_NONE}, {T_OCTETSTRING, "octetstring", K_NONE}, {T_OF, "of", K_NONE}, {T_OMIT, "omit", K_NONE}, {T_ON, "on", K_NONE}, {T_OPTIONAL, "optional", K_NONE}, {T_OR, "or", K_NONE}, {T_OR4B, "or4b", K_NONE}, {T_OUT, "out", K_NONE}, {T_OVERRIDE, "override", K_NONE}, {T_PARAM, "param", K_NONE}, {T_PASS, "pass", K_NONE}, {T_PATTERN, "pattern", K_NONE}, {T_PORT, "port", K_PORT}, {T_PROCEDURE, "procedure", K_NONE}, {T_RAISE, "raise", K_NONE}, {T_READ, "read", K_NONE}, {T_RECEIVE, "receive", K_NONE}, {T_RECORD, "record", K_NONE}, {T_RECURSIVE, "recursive", K_NONE}, {T_REM, "rem", K_NONE}, {T_REPEAT, "repeat", K_NONE}, {T_REPLY, "reply", K_NONE}, {T_RETURN, "return", K_NONE}, {T_RUNNING, "running", K_NONE}, {T_RUNS, "runs", K_NONE}, {T_SELECT, "select", K_NONE}, {T_SELF, "self", K_NONE}, {T_SEND, "send", K_NONE}, {T_SENDER, "sender", K_NONE}, {T_SET, "set", K_NONE}, {T_SETVERDICT, "setverdict", K_NONE}, {T_SIGNATURE, "signature", K_SIGNATURE}, {T_START, "start", K_NONE}, {T_STOP, "stop", K_NONE}, {T_SUBSET, "subset", K_NONE}, {T_SUPERSET, "superset", K_NONE}, {T_SYSTEM, "system", K_NONE}, {T_TEMPLATE, "template", K_TEMPLATE}, {T_TESTCASE, "testcase", K_TESTCASE}, {T_TIMEOUT, "timeout", K_NONE}, {T_TIMER, "timer", K_TIMER}, {T_TO, "to", K_NONE}, {T_TRIGGER, "trigger", K_NONE}, {T_TRUE, "true", K_NONE}, {T_TYPE, "type", K_TYPE}, {T_UNION, "union", K_NONE}, {T_UNIVERSAL, "universal", K_NONE}, {T_UNMAP, "unmap", K_NONE}, {T_VALUE, "value", K_NONE}, {T_VALUEOF, "valueof", K_NONE}, {T_VAR, "var", K_VAR}, {T_VARIANT, "variant", K_NONE}, {T_VERDICTTYPE, "verdicttype", K_NONE}, {T_WHILE, "while", K_NONE}, {T_WITH, "with", K_NONE}, {T_XOR, "xor", K_NONE}, {T_XOR4B, "xor4b", K_NONE} }; static const int ttcnKeywordCount = ARRAY_SIZE(ttcnKeywords); /* TTCN double-char operators */ static struct s_ttcnOp { const ttcnTokenType_t id; const char name[3]; } ttcnOps [] = { {T_OP_TO, ".."}, {T_OP_EQ, "=="}, {T_OP_NE, "!="}, {T_OP_LE, "<="}, {T_OP_GE, ">="}, {T_OP_ASS, ":="}, {T_OP_ARROW, "->"}, {T_OP_SHL, "<<"}, {T_OP_SHR, ">>"}, {T_OP_ROTL, "<@"}, {T_OP_ROTR, "@>"} }; static const int ttcnOpCount = ARRAY_SIZE(ttcnOps); /* Token */ typedef struct s_ttcnToken { ttcnTokenType_t type; vString * value; /* Semantic value (T_ID and T_LITERAL only) */ ttcnKind_t kind; /* Corresponding tag kind (keywords only) */ } ttcnToken_t; /* LEXER */ /* Functions forward declarations */ static void findTTCNKeyword(ttcnToken_t * pTok); static void freeToken(ttcnToken_t * pTok); static int getNonWhiteSpaceChar (void); static ttcnToken_t * getToken (void); static void ungetToken (void); static int ttcnKeywordsCompare (const void * key, const void * member) { return strcmp(key, ((struct s_ttcnKeyword *)member)->name); } /* Check if token is a TTCN-3 keyword or not */ static void findTTCNKeyword(ttcnToken_t * pTok) { struct s_ttcnKeyword * k; if (!pTok || !(pTok->value) || !(vStringValue(pTok->value))) return; /* Binary search */ k = bsearch (vStringValue (pTok->value), ttcnKeywords, ttcnKeywordCount, sizeof (*ttcnKeywords), ttcnKeywordsCompare); if (k) { pTok->type = k->id; pTok->kind = k->kind; } else { pTok->type = T_ID; } } static ttcnToken_t * pTtcnToken = NULL; static int repeatLastToken = false; static void freeToken(ttcnToken_t * pTok) { if (pTok) { if (pTok->value) vStringDelete(pTok->value); eFree (pTok); } } /* This function skips all whitespace and comments */ static int getNonWhiteSpaceChar (void) { int c, c2; while (1) { /* Skip whitespace */ while (isspace(c = getcFromInputFile()) && (c != EOF)); /* Skip C/C++-style comment */ if (c=='/') { c2 = getcFromInputFile(); if (c2=='/') { /* Line comment */ while (((c = getcFromInputFile()) != EOF) && (c != '\n')); continue; } else if (c2=='*') { /* Block comment */ while ((c = getcFromInputFile()) != EOF) { if (c=='*') { c2 = getcFromInputFile(); if (c2 == '/') break; ungetcToInputFile(c2); } } continue; } else { /* Not a comment */ ungetcToInputFile(c2); break; } } break; } Assert (c == EOF || !isspace(c)); return c; } static ttcnToken_t * getToken (void) { int c, c2; int i; if (repeatLastToken) { /* If ungetToken() has been called before, return last token again */ repeatLastToken = false; return pTtcnToken; } else { /* Clean up last token */ freeToken(pTtcnToken); pTtcnToken = NULL; } /* Handle EOF and malloc errors */ if ((c = getNonWhiteSpaceChar()) == EOF) return NULL; pTtcnToken = xMalloc (1, ttcnToken_t); pTtcnToken->type = 0; pTtcnToken->value = NULL; pTtcnToken->kind = K_NONE; /* Parse tokens */ if (isalpha(c)) { /* Identifier or keyword */ pTtcnToken->value = vStringNew(); do { vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); c = getcFromInputFile(); } while (isalnum(c) || c == '_'); /* Push back last char */ ungetcToInputFile(c); /* Is it a keyword or an identifier? */ findTTCNKeyword(pTtcnToken); } else if (c == '\'') { /* Octetstring, bitstring, hexstring */ pTtcnToken->type = T_LITERAL; pTtcnToken->value = vStringNew(); vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); /* Hex digits only (NB: 0/1 only in case of bitstring) */ while (isxdigit(c = getcFromInputFile())) vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); /* Must be terminated with "'O", "'B" or "'H" */ if (c != '\'') pTtcnToken->type = 0; else { vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); c = getcFromInputFile(); if ((c != 'O') && (c != 'H') && (c != 'B')) pTtcnToken->type = 0; else vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); } } else if (c == '"') { /* Charstring */ pTtcnToken->type = T_LITERAL; pTtcnToken->value = vStringNew(); vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); while((c = getcFromInputFile()) != EOF) { vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); /* consume escaped characters */ if(c == '\\' && ((c2 = getcFromInputFile()) != EOF)) { vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c2); continue; } /* Double '"' represents '"' within a Charstring literal */ if (c == '"') { c2 = getcFromInputFile(); /* consume "" */ if (c2 == '"') { vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c2); continue; } /* c is " that close string, c2 is out of string */ if(c2 != EOF) ungetcToInputFile(c2); break; } } if (c != '"') pTtcnToken->type = 0; } else if (isdigit(c)) { /* Number */ pTtcnToken->type = T_LITERAL; pTtcnToken->value = vStringNew(); /* Integer part */ do vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); while (isdigit(c = getcFromInputFile())); /* Decimal dot */ if (c == '.') { vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); /* Fractional part */ while (isdigit(c = getcFromInputFile())) vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); } /* Exponent */ if ((c == 'E') || (c == 'e')) { vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); /* Exponent sign */ if ((c = getcFromInputFile()) == '-') vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); else ungetcToInputFile(c); /* Exponent integer part */ while (isdigit(c = getcFromInputFile())) vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); /* Exponent decimal dot */ if (c == '.') { vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); /* Exponent fractional part */ while (isdigit(c = getcFromInputFile())) vStringPut(pTtcnToken->value, c); } } /* Push back last char */ ungetcToInputFile(c); } else { /* Operator, 1 or 2 chars, need to look 1 char ahead */ c2 = getcFromInputFile(); for (i = 0; itype = ttcnOps[i].id; break; } } if (i == ttcnOpCount) { /* No double-char operator found => single-char operator */ pTtcnToken->type = c; /* Push back the second char */ ungetcToInputFile(c2); } } /* Only identifier and literal tokens have a value */ if ((pTtcnToken->type != T_ID) && (pTtcnToken->type != T_LITERAL)) { vStringDelete(pTtcnToken->value); pTtcnToken->value = NULL; } return pTtcnToken; } static void ungetToken (void) { repeatLastToken = true; } /* PARSER */ /* Functions forward declarations */ static ttcnToken_t * matchToken (ttcnTokenType_t toktype); static int matchBrackets (const char * br); static int matchExprOperator (void); static int parseExprOperand (void); static int parseSimpleExpression(void); static int parseID (ttcnKind_t kind); static int parseStringLength (void); static int parseExtendedFieldReference (void); static int parseArrayDef (void); static int parseInitializer (void); static int parseNameInitList (ttcnKind_t kind); static int parseType (void); static int parseSignature (void); static int parseStructure (void); static int parseEnumeration(void); static int parseNestedTypeDef (void); static int parseTypeDefBody (void); static void parseTTCN (void); /* Check if next token is of a specified type */ static ttcnToken_t * matchToken (ttcnTokenType_t toktype) { ttcnToken_t * pTok = getToken(); if (pTok && (pTok->type == toktype)) return pTok; ungetToken(); return NULL; } /* Count nested brackets, return when brackets are balanced */ static int matchBrackets (const char * br) { if (matchToken(br[0])) { int brcount = 1; while (brcount > 0) { if (matchToken(br[0])) /* Open */ brcount++; else if (matchToken(br[1])) /* Close */ brcount--; else if (!getToken()) /* EOF */ return 0; } return 1; } return 0; } static const char BR_CUR[] = "{}"; static const char BR_PAR[] = "()"; static const char BR_SQ[] = "[]"; static const char BR_ANG[] = "<>"; /* List of TTCN operators. A dot (.) is not a TTCN operator but it is included to simplify the expression parser. Instead of treating X.Y.Z as a single primary the parser treats it as an expression with 3 primaries and two dots. */ static const ttcnTokenType_t ttcnExprOps[] = { T_OR, T_XOR, T_AND, T_NOT, T_OP_EQ, T_OP_NE, '>', '<', T_OP_GE, T_OP_LE, T_OP_SHL, T_OP_SHR, T_OP_ROTL, T_OP_ROTR, T_OR4B, T_XOR4B, T_AND4B, T_NOT4B, '+', '-', '&', '*', '/', T_MOD, T_REM, '.' }; static const int ttcnExprOpCount = ARRAY_SIZE(ttcnExprOps); /* Check if next token is an expression operator */ static int matchExprOperator (void) { ttcnToken_t * pTok = getToken(); int i; if (!pTok) return 0; for (i = 0; i < ttcnExprOpCount; i++) if (pTok->type == ttcnExprOps[i]) return 1; /* Not found */ ungetToken(); return 0; } static int parseExprOperand (void) { ttcnToken_t * pTok; if (matchBrackets(BR_PAR)) /* Nested expression in brackets */ return 1; if (!(pTok = getToken())) return 0; switch (pTok->type) { case T_CREATE: /* Create statement */ matchBrackets(BR_PAR); matchToken(T_ALIVE); return 1; case T_EXECUTE: case T_MATCH: case T_VALUEOF: case T_ACTIVATE: case T_CHAR: /* These tokens must be followed by something in parentheses */ return matchBrackets(BR_PAR); case T_SELF: case T_SYSTEM: case T_MTC: case T_RUNNING: case T_ALIVE: case T_GETVERDICT: case T_READ: case T_ANY: case T_LITERAL: case T_TRUE: case T_FALSE: case T_PASS: case T_FAIL: case T_INCONC: case T_NONE: case T_ERROR: case T_NULL: case T_OMIT: return 1; case T_ID: if (!matchBrackets(BR_PAR)) /* Function call OR ... */ while (matchBrackets(BR_SQ)); /* ... array indexing */ return 1; default: break; } ungetToken(); return 0; } /* Too lazy to really parse expressions so the parser is rather simplistic: an expression is a series of operands separated by 1 or more operators. */ static int parseSimpleExpression(void) { while (matchExprOperator()); /* Skip leading unary ops */ while (parseExprOperand() && matchExprOperator()) while (matchExprOperator()); return 1; } /* Check if next token is an identifier, make a tag of a specified kind */ static int parseID (ttcnKind_t kind) { ttcnToken_t * pTok = matchToken(T_ID); if (pTok) { if (kind < K_NONE) makeSimpleTag(pTok->value, kind); return 1; } return 0; } /* StringLength ::= "length" '(' ... ')' */ static int parseStringLength (void) { return (matchToken(T_LENGTH) && matchBrackets(BR_PAR)); } /* ExtendedFieldReference ::= { '.' ID | '[' ... ']' }+ */ static int parseExtendedFieldReference (void) { int res = 0; while ((matchToken('.') && matchToken(T_ID)) || matchBrackets(BR_SQ)) res = 1; return res; } /* ArrayDef ::= { '[' ... ']' }+ */ static int parseArrayDef (void) { int res = 0; while (matchBrackets(BR_SQ)) res = 1; return res; } /* Initializer ::= ":=" Expression */ static int parseInitializer (void) { if (matchToken(T_OP_ASS)) { /* Compound expression */ if (matchBrackets(BR_CUR)) return 1; /* Simple expression */ return parseSimpleExpression(); } return 0; } /* NameInitList ::= ID [ArrayDef] [Initializer] { ',' ID [ArrayDef] [Initializer] } Used for parsing const/modulepar/var/timer/port definitions. */ static int parseNameInitList (ttcnKind_t kind) { do { if (!parseID(kind)) return 0; /* NB: ArrayDef is not allowed for modulepar */ parseArrayDef(); /* NB: Initializer is mandatory for constants, not allowed for ports */ parseInitializer(); } while (matchToken(',')); return 1; } /* A.1.6.3 Type ::= PredefinedType | ReferencedType */ static int parseType (void) { ttcnToken_t * pTok = getToken(); if (!pTok) return 0; switch (pTok->type) { /* PredefinedType */ case T_BITSTRING: case T_BOOLEAN: case T_CHARSTRING: case T_INTEGER: case T_OCTETSTRING: case T_HEXSTRING: case T_VERDICTTYPE: case T_FLOAT: case T_ADDRESS: case T_DEFAULT: case T_ANYTYPE: return 1; case T_UNIVERSAL: if (!matchToken(T_CHARSTRING)) break; else return 1; /* ReferencedType ::= [ModuleID '.'] TypeID [TypeActualParList] [ExtendedFieldReference] */ case T_ID: /* ModuleID.TypeID */ if (matchToken('.') && !(matchToken(T_ID))) break; /* FormalTypeParList */ matchBrackets(BR_ANG); /* TypeActualParList */ matchBrackets(BR_PAR); /* ExtendedFieldReference */ parseExtendedFieldReference(); return 1; default : break; } ungetToken(); return 0; } /* A. Signature ::= "signature" [ModuleID '.'] ID */ static int parseSignature (void) { return (matchToken(T_SIGNATURE) && matchToken(T_ID) && (!matchToken('.') || matchToken(T_ID))); } /* A. Structure ::= "{" [FieldDef {"," FieldDef}] "}" */ static int parseStructure (void) { if (!matchToken('{')) return 0; /* Comma-separated list of fields */ do { /* StructFieldDef ::= (Type | NestedTypeDef) ID [ArrayDef] [SubTypeSpec] ["optional"] */ if (!((parseType() || parseNestedTypeDef()) && parseID(K_MEMBER))) return 0; parseArrayDef(); /* SubTypeSpec */ matchBrackets(BR_PAR); /* AllowedValues */ parseStringLength(); /* StringLength */ matchToken(T_OPTIONAL); /* "optional" keyword */ } while (matchToken(',')); if (!matchToken('}')) return 0; return 1; } /* A. Enumeration ::= "{" [EnumDef {"," EnumDef}] "}" */ static int parseEnumeration(void) { if (!matchToken('{')) return 0; /* Comma-separated list of names and values */ do { /* EnumDef ::= ID ['(' ['-'] Value ')'] */ if (!parseID(K_ENUM)) return 0; matchBrackets(BR_PAR); /* Value */ } while (matchToken(',')); if (!matchToken('}')) return 0; return 1; } /* NestedTypeDef ::= NestedRecordDef | NestedUnionDef | NestedSetDef | NestedRecordOfDef | NestedSetOfDef | NestedEnumDef */ static int parseNestedTypeDef (void) { ttcnToken_t * pTok = getToken(); if (!pTok) return 0; switch (pTok->type) { case T_RECORD: case T_SET: /* StringLength (optional), applies to RecordOf and SetOf */ parseStringLength(); /* RecordOf/SetOf */ if (matchToken(T_OF)) return (parseType() || parseNestedTypeDef()); /* This is correct, no break here! */ case T_UNION: /* Parse Record/Set/Union structure */ return parseStructure(); case T_ENUMERATED: /* Parse Enumeration values */ return parseEnumeration(); default : break; } /* No match */ ungetToken(); return 0; } /* A. TypeDefBody ::= StructuredTypeDef | SubTypeDef */ static int parseTypeDefBody (void) { ttcnToken_t * pTok = getToken(); if (!pTok) return 0; switch (pTok->type) { /* StructuredTypeDef ::= RecordDef | UnionDef | SetDef | RecordOfDef | SetOfDef | EnumDef | PortDef | ComponentDef */ case T_RECORD: case T_SET: /* StringLength (optional), applies to RecordOf and SetOf */ parseStringLength(); if (matchToken(T_OF)) /* RecordOf/SetOf */ return ((parseType() || parseNestedTypeDef()) && parseID(K_TYPE)); /* This is correct, no break here! */ case T_UNION: /* Parse Record/Set/Union structure */ if (!(parseID(K_TYPE) || matchToken(T_ADDRESS))) return 0; matchBrackets(BR_PAR); /* StructDefFormalParList */ return parseStructure(); case T_ENUMERATED: if (!(parseID(K_TYPE) || matchToken(T_ADDRESS))) return 0; return parseEnumeration(); case T_PORT: case T_COMPONENT: /* Record/Set/Union/Enum/Port/Component */ return parseID(K_TYPE); default: /* SubTypeDef */ ungetToken(); /* Stop after type name, no need to parse ArrayDef, StringLength, etc */ return (parseType() && parseID(K_TYPE)); } } static void parseTTCN (void) { ttcnToken_t * pTok; ttcnKind_t kind; while ((pTok = getToken())) { kind = pTok->kind; switch (pTok->type) { case T_MODULE: /* A.1.6.0 */ case T_FUNCTION: /* A. */ case T_SIGNATURE: /* A. */ case T_TESTCASE: /* A. */ case T_ALTSTEP: /* A. */ case T_GROUP: /* A. */ /* Def ::= Keyword ID ... */ parseID(kind); break; case T_VAR: /* A. VarInstance ::= "var" ["template"] Type List */ matchToken(T_TEMPLATE); case T_CONST: /* A. ConstDef ::= "const" Type List */ case T_PORT: /* A. PortInstance ::= "port" Type List */ if (!parseType()) break; case T_TIMER: /* A. TimerInstance ::= "timer" List */ parseNameInitList(kind); break; case T_TYPE: /* A. */ parseTypeDefBody(); break; case T_TEMPLATE: /* A. TemplateDef ::= "template" (Type | Signature) ID ... */ if (parseType() || parseSignature()) parseID(K_TEMPLATE); break; case T_MODULEPAR: /* A. ModuleParDef ::= "modulepar" (Type ModuleParList | '{' MultitypedModuleParList '}') */ if (matchToken('{')) { /* MultitypedModuleParList ::= (Type ModuleParList [;])* */ while (parseType() && parseNameInitList(K_MODULEPAR)) /* Separating semicolons are optional */ while (matchToken(';')); } else if (parseType()) { /* Type ModuleParList */ parseNameInitList(K_MODULEPAR); } break; case T_IMPORT: /* A. ImportDef = "import" "from" ModuleId ["recursive"] ('{' ImportList '}') | ("all" ["except"] '{' ExceptList '}') Parse import definition not to generate tags but to avoid generating misleading tags from import/except lists */ if (!matchToken(T_FROM) || ! matchToken(T_ID)) break; matchToken(T_RECURSIVE); if (matchToken(T_ALL) && !matchToken(T_EXCEPT)) break; /* Skip import/except list */ matchBrackets(BR_CUR); break; default : break; } } } /* Parser definition */ extern parserDefinition * TTCNParser (void) { static const char * const extensions [] = { "ttcn", "ttcn3", NULL }; parserDefinition * def = parserNew ("TTCN"); def->kindTable = ttcnKinds; def->kindCount = ARRAY_SIZE(ttcnKinds); def->extensions = extensions; def->parser = parseTTCN; return def; }