/* * Copyright (c) 2010, Vincent Berthoux * * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your option) any later version. * * This module contains functions for generating tags for Objective C * language files. */ /* * INCLUDE FILES */ #include "general.h" /* must always come first */ #include #include "keyword.h" #include "debug.h" #include "entry.h" #include "parse.h" #include "read.h" #include "routines.h" #include "selectors.h" #include "trashbox.h" #include "vstring.h" typedef enum { K_INTERFACE, K_IMPLEMENTATION, K_PROTOCOL, K_METHOD, K_CLASSMETHOD, K_VAR, K_FIELD, K_FUNCTION, K_PROPERTY, K_TYPEDEF, K_STRUCT, K_ENUM, K_MACRO, K_CATEGORY, } objcKind; static kindDefinition ObjcKinds[] = { {true, 'i', "interface", "class interface"}, {true, 'I', "implementation", "class implementation"}, {true, 'P', "protocol", "Protocol"}, {true, 'm', "method", "Object's method"}, {true, 'c', "class", "Class' method"}, {true, 'v', "var", "Global variable"}, {true, 'E', "field", "Object field"}, {true, 'f', "function", "A function"}, {true, 'p', "property", "A property"}, {true, 't', "typedef", "A type alias"}, {true, 's', "struct", "A type structure"}, {true, 'e', "enum", "An enumeration"}, {true, 'M', "macro", "A preprocessor macro"}, {true, 'C', "category", "categories"}, }; typedef enum { ObjcTYPEDEF, ObjcSTRUCT, ObjcENUM, ObjcIMPLEMENTATION, ObjcINTERFACE, ObjcPROTOCOL, ObjcENCODE, ObjcEXTERN, ObjcSYNCHRONIZED, ObjcSELECTOR, ObjcPROPERTY, ObjcEND, ObjcDEFS, ObjcCLASS, ObjcPRIVATE, ObjcPACKAGE, ObjcPUBLIC, ObjcPROTECTED, ObjcSYNTHESIZE, ObjcDYNAMIC, ObjcOPTIONAL, ObjcREQUIRED, ObjcSTRING, ObjcIDENTIFIER, Tok_COMA, /* ',' */ Tok_PLUS, /* '+' */ Tok_MINUS, /* '-' */ Tok_PARL, /* '(' */ Tok_PARR, /* ')' */ Tok_CurlL, /* '{' */ Tok_CurlR, /* '}' */ Tok_SQUAREL, /* '[' */ Tok_SQUARER, /* ']' */ Tok_semi, /* ';' */ Tok_dpoint, /* ':' */ Tok_Sharp, /* '#' */ Tok_Backslash, /* '\\' */ Tok_Asterisk, /* '*' */ Tok_ANGLEL, /* '<' */ Tok_ANGLER, /* '>' */ Tok_EOL, /* '\r''\n' */ Tok_CSTRING, /* "..." */ Tok_any, Tok_EOF /* END of file */ } objcKeyword; typedef objcKeyword objcToken; static const keywordTable objcKeywordTable[] = { {"typedef", ObjcTYPEDEF}, {"struct", ObjcSTRUCT}, {"enum", ObjcENUM}, {"extern", ObjcEXTERN}, {"@implementation", ObjcIMPLEMENTATION}, {"@interface", ObjcINTERFACE}, {"@protocol", ObjcPROTOCOL}, {"@encode", ObjcENCODE}, {"@property", ObjcPROPERTY}, {"@synchronized", ObjcSYNCHRONIZED}, {"@selector", ObjcSELECTOR}, {"@end", ObjcEND}, {"@defs", ObjcDEFS}, {"@class", ObjcCLASS}, {"@private", ObjcPRIVATE}, {"@package", ObjcPACKAGE}, {"@public", ObjcPUBLIC}, {"@protected", ObjcPROTECTED}, {"@synthesize", ObjcSYNTHESIZE}, {"@dynamic", ObjcDYNAMIC}, {"@optional", ObjcOPTIONAL}, {"@required", ObjcREQUIRED}, }; typedef enum { F_CATEGORY, F_PROTOCOLS, } objcField; static fieldDefinition ObjcFields [] = { { .name = "category", .description = "category attached to the class", .enabled = true, }, { .name = "protocols", .description = "protocols that the class (or category) confirms to", .enabled = true, }, }; static langType Lang_ObjectiveC; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// lexingInit */ typedef struct _lexingState { vString *name; /* current parsed identifier/operator */ const unsigned char *cp; /* position in stream */ } lexingState; /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Lexing */ static bool isNum (char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } static bool isLowerAlpha (char c) { return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'; } static bool isUpperAlpha (char c) { return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'; } static bool isAlpha (char c) { return isLowerAlpha (c) || isUpperAlpha (c); } static bool isIdent (char c) { return isNum (c) || isAlpha (c) || c == '_'; } static bool isSpace (char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; } /* return true if it end with an end of line */ static void eatWhiteSpace (lexingState * st) { const unsigned char *cp = st->cp; while (isSpace (*cp)) cp++; st->cp = cp; } static void readCString (lexingState * st) { bool lastIsBackSlash = false; bool unfinished = true; const unsigned char *c = st->cp + 1; vStringClear (st->name); while (unfinished) { /* end of line should never happen. * we tolerate it */ if (c == NULL || c[0] == '\0') break; else if (*c == '"' && !lastIsBackSlash) unfinished = false; else { lastIsBackSlash = *c == '\\'; vStringPut (st->name, (int) *c); } c++; } st->cp = c; } static void eatComment (lexingState * st) { bool unfinished = true; bool lastIsStar = false; const unsigned char *c = st->cp + 2; while (unfinished) { /* we've reached the end of the line.. * so we have to reload a line... */ if (c == NULL || *c == '\0') { st->cp = readLineFromInputFile (); /* WOOPS... no more input... * we return, next lexing read * will be null and ok */ if (st->cp == NULL) return; c = st->cp; } /* we've reached the end of the comment */ else if (*c == '/' && lastIsStar) unfinished = false; else { lastIsStar = '*' == *c; c++; } } st->cp = c; } static void readIdentifier (lexingState * st) { const unsigned char *p; vStringClear (st->name); /* first char is a simple letter */ if (isAlpha (*st->cp) || *st->cp == '_') vStringPut (st->name, (int) *st->cp); /* Go till you get identifier chars */ for (p = st->cp + 1; isIdent (*p); p++) vStringPut (st->name, (int) *p); st->cp = p; } /* read the @something directives */ static void readIdentifierObjcDirective (lexingState * st) { const unsigned char *p; vStringClear (st->name); /* first char is a simple letter */ if (*st->cp == '@') vStringPut (st->name, (int) *st->cp); /* Go till you get identifier chars */ for (p = st->cp + 1; isIdent (*p); p++) vStringPut (st->name, (int) *p); st->cp = p; } /* The lexer is in charge of reading the file. * Some of sub-lexer (like eatComment) also read file. * lexing is finished when the lexer return Tok_EOF */ static objcKeyword lex (lexingState * st) { int retType; /* handling data input here */ while (st->cp == NULL || st->cp[0] == '\0') { st->cp = readLineFromInputFile (); if (st->cp == NULL) return Tok_EOF; return Tok_EOL; } if (isAlpha (*st->cp) || (*st->cp == '_')) { readIdentifier (st); retType = lookupKeyword (vStringValue (st->name), Lang_ObjectiveC); if (retType == -1) /* If it's not a keyword */ { return ObjcIDENTIFIER; } else { return retType; } } else if (*st->cp == '@') { readIdentifierObjcDirective (st); retType = lookupKeyword (vStringValue (st->name), Lang_ObjectiveC); if (retType == -1) /* If it's not a keyword */ { return Tok_any; } else { return retType; } } else if (isSpace (*st->cp)) { eatWhiteSpace (st); return lex (st); } else switch (*st->cp) { case '(': st->cp++; return Tok_PARL; case '\\': st->cp++; return Tok_Backslash; case '#': st->cp++; return Tok_Sharp; case '/': if (st->cp[1] == '*') /* ergl, a comment */ { eatComment (st); return lex (st); } else if (st->cp[1] == '/') { st->cp = NULL; return lex (st); } else { st->cp++; return Tok_any; } break; case ')': st->cp++; return Tok_PARR; case '{': st->cp++; return Tok_CurlL; case '}': st->cp++; return Tok_CurlR; case '[': st->cp++; return Tok_SQUAREL; case ']': st->cp++; return Tok_SQUARER; case ',': st->cp++; return Tok_COMA; case ';': st->cp++; return Tok_semi; case ':': st->cp++; return Tok_dpoint; case '"': readCString (st); return Tok_CSTRING; case '+': st->cp++; return Tok_PLUS; case '-': st->cp++; return Tok_MINUS; case '*': st->cp++; return Tok_Asterisk; case '<': st->cp++; return Tok_ANGLEL; case '>': st->cp++; return Tok_ANGLER; default: st->cp++; break; } /* default return if nothing is recognized, * shouldn't happen, but at least, it will * be handled without destroying the parsing. */ return Tok_any; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Parsing */ typedef void (*parseNext) (vString * const ident, objcToken what); /********** Helpers */ /* This variable hold the 'parser' which is going to * handle the next token */ static parseNext toDoNext; /* Special variable used by parser eater to * determine which action to put after their * job is finished. */ static parseNext comeAfter; /* Used by some parsers detecting certain token * to revert to previous parser. */ static parseNext fallback; /********** Grammar */ static void globalScope (vString * const ident, objcToken what); static void parseMethods (vString * const ident, objcToken what); static void parseImplemMethods (vString * const ident, objcToken what); static vString *tempName = NULL; static vString *parentName = NULL; static objcKind parentType = K_INTERFACE; static int parentCorkIndex = CORK_NIL; static int categoryCorkIndex = CORK_NIL; /* used to prepare tag for OCaml, just in case their is a need to * add additional information to the tag. */ static void prepareTag (tagEntryInfo * tag, vString const *name, objcKind kind) { initTagEntry (tag, vStringValue (name), kind); if (vStringLength (parentName) > 0) { tag->extensionFields.scopeKindIndex = parentType; tag->extensionFields.scopeName = vStringValue (parentName); } } static void pushEnclosingContext (const vString * parent, objcKind type) { vStringCopy (parentName, parent); parentType = type; } static void pushEnclosingContextFull (const vString * parent, objcKind type, int corkIndex) { pushEnclosingContext (parent, type); parentCorkIndex = corkIndex; } static void popEnclosingContext (void) { vStringClear (parentName); parentCorkIndex = CORK_NIL; } static void pushCategoryContext (int category_index) { categoryCorkIndex = category_index; } static void popCategoryContext (void) { categoryCorkIndex = CORK_NIL; } /* Used to centralise tag creation, and be able to add * more information to it in the future */ static int addTag (vString * const ident, int kind) { tagEntryInfo toCreate; if (! ObjcKinds[kind].enabled) return CORK_NIL; prepareTag (&toCreate, ident, kind); return makeTagEntry (&toCreate); } static objcToken waitedToken, fallBackToken; /* Ignore everything till waitedToken and jump to comeAfter. * If the "end" keyword is encountered break, doesn't remember * why though. */ static void tillToken (vString * const ident CTAGS_ATTR_UNUSED, objcToken what) { if (what == waitedToken) toDoNext = comeAfter; } static void tillTokenOrFallBack (vString * const ident CTAGS_ATTR_UNUSED, objcToken what) { if (what == waitedToken) toDoNext = comeAfter; else if (what == fallBackToken) { toDoNext = fallback; } } static int ignoreBalanced_count = 0; static void ignoreBalanced (vString * const ident CTAGS_ATTR_UNUSED, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case Tok_PARL: case Tok_CurlL: case Tok_SQUAREL: ignoreBalanced_count++; break; case Tok_PARR: case Tok_CurlR: case Tok_SQUARER: ignoreBalanced_count--; break; default: /* don't care */ break; } if (ignoreBalanced_count == 0) toDoNext = comeAfter; } static void parseFields (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case Tok_CurlR: toDoNext = &parseMethods; break; case Tok_SQUAREL: case Tok_PARL: toDoNext = &ignoreBalanced; comeAfter = &parseFields; break; /* we got an identifier, keep track of it */ case ObjcIDENTIFIER: vStringCopy (tempName, ident); break; /* our last kept identifier must be our variable name =) */ case Tok_semi: addTag (tempName, K_FIELD); vStringClear (tempName); break; default: /* NOTHING */ break; } } static objcKind methodKind; static vString *fullMethodName; static vString *prevIdent; static vString *signature; static void tillTokenWithCapturingSignature (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { tillToken (ident, what); if (what != waitedToken) { if (what == Tok_Asterisk) vStringPut (signature, '*'); else if (vStringLength (ident) > 0) { if (! (vStringLast (signature) == ',' || vStringLast (signature) == '(' || vStringLast (signature) == ' ')) vStringPut (signature, ' '); vStringCat (signature, ident); } } } static void parseMethodsNameCommon (vString * const ident, objcToken what, parseNext reEnter, parseNext nextAction) { int index; switch (what) { case Tok_PARL: toDoNext = &tillToken; comeAfter = reEnter; waitedToken = Tok_PARR; if (! (vStringLength(prevIdent) == 0 && vStringLength(fullMethodName) == 0)) toDoNext = &tillTokenWithCapturingSignature; break; case Tok_dpoint: vStringCat (fullMethodName, prevIdent); vStringPut (fullMethodName, ':'); vStringClear (prevIdent); if (vStringLength (signature) > 1) vStringPut (signature, ','); break; case ObjcIDENTIFIER: if ((vStringLength (prevIdent) > 0 /* "- initWithObject: o0 withAnotherObject: o1;" Overwriting the last value of prevIdent ("o0"); a parameter name ("o0") was stored to prevIdent, and a part of selector("withAnotherObject") overwrites it. If type for the parameter specified explicitly, the last char of signature should not be ',' nor '('. In this case, "id" must be put as the type for the parameter. */ && (vStringLast (signature) == ',' || vStringLast (signature) == '(')) || (/* "- initWithObject: object;" In this case no overwriting happens. However, "id" for "object" is part of signature. */ vStringLength (prevIdent) == 0 && vStringLength (fullMethodName) > 0 && vStringLast (signature) == '(')) vStringCatS (signature, "id"); vStringCopy (prevIdent, ident); break; case Tok_CurlL: case Tok_semi: /* method name is not simple */ if (vStringLength (fullMethodName) != '\0') { index = addTag (fullMethodName, methodKind); vStringClear (fullMethodName); } else index = addTag (prevIdent, methodKind); toDoNext = nextAction; parseImplemMethods (ident, what); vStringClear (prevIdent); tagEntryInfo *e = getEntryInCorkQueue (index); if (e) { if (vStringLast (signature) == ',') vStringCatS (signature, "id"); vStringPut (signature, ')'); e->extensionFields.signature = vStringStrdup (signature); vStringClear (signature); vStringPut (signature, '('); tagEntryInfo *e_cat = getEntryInCorkQueue (categoryCorkIndex); if (e_cat) attachParserFieldToCorkEntry (index, ObjcFields [F_CATEGORY].ftype, e_cat->name); } break; default: break; } } static void parseMethodsName (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { parseMethodsNameCommon (ident, what, parseMethodsName, parseMethods); } static void parseMethodsImplemName (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { parseMethodsNameCommon (ident, what, parseMethodsImplemName, parseImplemMethods); } static void parseCategory (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { if (what == ObjcIDENTIFIER) { tagEntryInfo *e = getEntryInCorkQueue (parentCorkIndex); if (e) { attachParserFieldToCorkEntry (parentCorkIndex, ObjcFields [F_CATEGORY].ftype, vStringValue (ident)); if (e->kindIndex == K_INTERFACE) toDoNext = &parseMethods; else toDoNext = &parseImplemMethods; } int index = addTag (ident, K_CATEGORY); pushCategoryContext (index); } } static void parseImplemMethods (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case Tok_PLUS: /* + */ toDoNext = &parseMethodsImplemName; methodKind = K_CLASSMETHOD; break; case Tok_MINUS: /* - */ toDoNext = &parseMethodsImplemName; methodKind = K_METHOD; break; case ObjcEND: /* @end */ popEnclosingContext (); popCategoryContext (); toDoNext = &globalScope; break; case Tok_CurlL: /* { */ toDoNext = &ignoreBalanced; ignoreBalanced (ident, what); comeAfter = &parseImplemMethods; break; case Tok_PARL: /* ( */ toDoNext = &parseCategory; break; default: break; } } static void parseProperty (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case Tok_PARL: toDoNext = &tillToken; comeAfter = &parseProperty; waitedToken = Tok_PARR; break; /* we got an identifier, keep track of it */ case ObjcIDENTIFIER: vStringCopy (tempName, ident); break; /* our last kept identifier must be our variable name =) */ case Tok_semi: addTag (tempName, K_PROPERTY); vStringClear (tempName); toDoNext = &parseMethods; break; default: break; } } static void parseInterfaceSuperclass (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { tagEntryInfo *e = getEntryInCorkQueue (parentCorkIndex); if (what == ObjcIDENTIFIER && e) e->extensionFields.inheritance = vStringStrdup (ident); toDoNext = &parseMethods; } static void parseInterfaceProtocolList (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { static vString *protocol_list; if (parentCorkIndex == CORK_NIL) { toDoNext = &parseMethods; return; } if (protocol_list == NULL) { protocol_list = vStringNew (); DEFAULT_TRASH_BOX(protocol_list, vStringDelete); } if (what == ObjcIDENTIFIER) vStringCat(protocol_list, ident); else if (what == Tok_COMA) vStringPut (protocol_list, ','); else if (what == Tok_ANGLER) { attachParserFieldToCorkEntry (parentCorkIndex, ObjcFields [F_PROTOCOLS].ftype, vStringValue (protocol_list)); if (categoryCorkIndex != CORK_NIL) attachParserFieldToCorkEntry (categoryCorkIndex, ObjcFields [F_PROTOCOLS].ftype, vStringValue (protocol_list)); vStringClear (protocol_list); toDoNext = &parseMethods; } } static void parseMethods (vString * const ident CTAGS_ATTR_UNUSED, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case Tok_PLUS: /* + */ toDoNext = &parseMethodsName; methodKind = K_CLASSMETHOD; break; case Tok_MINUS: /* - */ toDoNext = &parseMethodsName; methodKind = K_METHOD; break; case ObjcPROPERTY: toDoNext = &parseProperty; break; case ObjcEND: /* @end */ popEnclosingContext (); popCategoryContext (); toDoNext = &globalScope; break; case Tok_CurlL: /* { */ toDoNext = &parseFields; break; case Tok_dpoint: /* : */ toDoNext = &parseInterfaceSuperclass; break; case Tok_PARL: /* ( */ toDoNext = &parseCategory; break; case Tok_ANGLEL: /* < */ toDoNext = &parseInterfaceProtocolList; break; default: break; } } static void parseProtocol (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { if (what == ObjcIDENTIFIER) { int index = addTag (ident, K_PROTOCOL); pushEnclosingContextFull (ident, K_PROTOCOL, index); } toDoNext = &parseMethods; } static void parseImplementation (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { if (what == ObjcIDENTIFIER) { int index = addTag (ident, K_IMPLEMENTATION); pushEnclosingContextFull (ident, K_IMPLEMENTATION, index); } toDoNext = &parseImplemMethods; } static void parseInterface (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { if (what == ObjcIDENTIFIER) { int index = addTag (ident, K_INTERFACE); pushEnclosingContextFull (ident, K_INTERFACE, index); } toDoNext = &parseMethods; } static void parseStructMembers (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { static parseNext prev = NULL; if (prev != NULL) { comeAfter = prev; prev = NULL; } switch (what) { case ObjcIDENTIFIER: vStringCopy (tempName, ident); break; case Tok_semi: /* ';' */ addTag (tempName, K_FIELD); vStringClear (tempName); break; /* some types are complex, the only one * we will loose is the function type. */ case Tok_CurlL: /* '{' */ case Tok_PARL: /* '(' */ case Tok_SQUAREL: /* '[' */ toDoNext = &ignoreBalanced; prev = comeAfter; comeAfter = &parseStructMembers; ignoreBalanced (ident, what); break; case Tok_CurlR: toDoNext = comeAfter; break; default: /* don't care */ break; } } /* Called just after the struct keyword */ static bool parseStruct_gotName = false; static void parseStruct (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case ObjcIDENTIFIER: if (!parseStruct_gotName) { addTag (ident, K_STRUCT); pushEnclosingContext (ident, K_STRUCT); parseStruct_gotName = true; } else { parseStruct_gotName = false; popEnclosingContext (); toDoNext = comeAfter; comeAfter (ident, what); } break; case Tok_CurlL: toDoNext = &parseStructMembers; break; /* maybe it was just a forward declaration * in which case, we pop the context */ case Tok_semi: if (parseStruct_gotName) popEnclosingContext (); toDoNext = comeAfter; comeAfter (ident, what); break; default: /* we don't care */ break; } } /* Parse enumeration members, ignoring potential initialization */ static parseNext parseEnumFields_prev = NULL; static void parseEnumFields (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { if (parseEnumFields_prev != NULL) { comeAfter = parseEnumFields_prev; parseEnumFields_prev = NULL; } switch (what) { case ObjcIDENTIFIER: addTag (ident, K_ENUM); parseEnumFields_prev = comeAfter; waitedToken = Tok_COMA; /* last item might not have a coma */ fallBackToken = Tok_CurlR; fallback = comeAfter; comeAfter = parseEnumFields; toDoNext = &tillTokenOrFallBack; break; case Tok_CurlR: toDoNext = comeAfter; popEnclosingContext (); break; default: /* don't care */ break; } } /* parse enum ... { ... */ static bool parseEnum_named = false; static void parseEnum (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case ObjcIDENTIFIER: if (!parseEnum_named) { addTag (ident, K_ENUM); pushEnclosingContext (ident, K_ENUM); parseEnum_named = true; } else { parseEnum_named = false; popEnclosingContext (); toDoNext = comeAfter; comeAfter (ident, what); } break; case Tok_CurlL: /* '{' */ toDoNext = &parseEnumFields; parseEnum_named = false; break; case Tok_semi: /* ';' */ if (parseEnum_named) popEnclosingContext (); toDoNext = comeAfter; comeAfter (ident, what); break; default: /* don't care */ break; } } /* Parse something like * typedef .... ident ; * ignoring the defined type but in the case of struct, * in which case struct are parsed. */ static void parseTypedef (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case ObjcSTRUCT: toDoNext = &parseStruct; comeAfter = &parseTypedef; break; case ObjcENUM: toDoNext = &parseEnum; comeAfter = &parseTypedef; break; case ObjcIDENTIFIER: vStringCopy (tempName, ident); break; case Tok_semi: /* ';' */ addTag (tempName, K_TYPEDEF); vStringClear (tempName); toDoNext = &globalScope; break; default: /* we don't care */ break; } } static bool ignorePreprocStuff_escaped = false; static void ignorePreprocStuff (vString * const ident CTAGS_ATTR_UNUSED, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case Tok_Backslash: ignorePreprocStuff_escaped = true; break; case Tok_EOL: if (ignorePreprocStuff_escaped) { ignorePreprocStuff_escaped = false; } else { toDoNext = &globalScope; } break; default: ignorePreprocStuff_escaped = false; break; } } static void parseMacroName (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { if (what == ObjcIDENTIFIER) addTag (ident, K_MACRO); toDoNext = &ignorePreprocStuff; } static void parsePreproc (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case ObjcIDENTIFIER: if (strcmp (vStringValue (ident), "define") == 0) toDoNext = &parseMacroName; else toDoNext = &ignorePreprocStuff; break; default: toDoNext = &ignorePreprocStuff; break; } } static void skipCurlL (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { if (what == Tok_CurlL) toDoNext = comeAfter; } static void parseCPlusPlusCLinkage (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { toDoNext = comeAfter; /* Linkage specification like "C" */ if (what == Tok_CSTRING) toDoNext = skipCurlL; else /* Force handle this ident in globalScope */ globalScope (ident, what); } /* Handle the "strong" top levels, all 'big' declarations * happen here */ static void globalScope (vString * const ident, objcToken what) { switch (what) { case Tok_Sharp: toDoNext = &parsePreproc; break; case ObjcSTRUCT: toDoNext = &parseStruct; comeAfter = &globalScope; break; case ObjcIDENTIFIER: /* we keep track of the identifier if we * come across a function. */ vStringCopy (tempName, ident); break; case Tok_PARL: /* if we find an opening parenthesis it means we * found a function (or a macro...) */ addTag (tempName, K_FUNCTION); vStringClear (tempName); comeAfter = &globalScope; toDoNext = &ignoreBalanced; ignoreBalanced (ident, what); break; case ObjcINTERFACE: toDoNext = &parseInterface; break; case ObjcIMPLEMENTATION: toDoNext = &parseImplementation; break; case ObjcPROTOCOL: toDoNext = &parseProtocol; break; case ObjcTYPEDEF: toDoNext = parseTypedef; comeAfter = &globalScope; break; case Tok_CurlL: comeAfter = &globalScope; toDoNext = &ignoreBalanced; ignoreBalanced (ident, what); break; case ObjcEXTERN: comeAfter = &globalScope; toDoNext = &parseCPlusPlusCLinkage; break; case ObjcEND: case ObjcPUBLIC: case ObjcPROTECTED: case ObjcPRIVATE: default: /* we don't care */ break; } } /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Deal with the system */ static void findObjcTags (void) { vString *name = vStringNew (); lexingState st; objcToken tok; parentName = vStringNew (); tempName = vStringNew (); fullMethodName = vStringNew (); prevIdent = vStringNew (); signature = vStringNewInit ("("); /* (Re-)initialize state variables, this might be a second file */ comeAfter = NULL; fallback = NULL; parentType = K_INTERFACE; ignoreBalanced_count = 0; methodKind = 0; parseStruct_gotName = false; parseEnumFields_prev = NULL; parseEnum_named = false; ignorePreprocStuff_escaped = false; st.name = vStringNew (); st.cp = readLineFromInputFile (); toDoNext = &globalScope; tok = lex (&st); while (tok != Tok_EOF) { (*toDoNext) (st.name, tok); tok = lex (&st); } vStringDelete(st.name); vStringDelete (name); vStringDelete (parentName); vStringDelete (tempName); vStringDelete (fullMethodName); vStringDelete (prevIdent); vStringDelete (signature); signature = NULL; parentName = NULL; tempName = NULL; prevIdent = NULL; fullMethodName = NULL; categoryCorkIndex = CORK_NIL; parentCorkIndex = CORK_NIL; } static void objcInitialize (const langType language) { Lang_ObjectiveC = language; } extern parserDefinition *ObjcParser (void) { static const char *const extensions[] = { "mm", "m", "h", NULL }; static const char *const aliases[] = { "objc", "objective-c", NULL }; static selectLanguage selectors[] = { selectByObjectiveCAndMatLabKeywords, selectByObjectiveCKeywords, NULL }; parserDefinition *def = parserNew ("ObjectiveC"); def->kindTable = ObjcKinds; def->kindCount = ARRAY_SIZE (ObjcKinds); def->extensions = extensions; def->fieldTable = ObjcFields; def->fieldCount = ARRAY_SIZE (ObjcFields); def->aliases = aliases; def->parser = findObjcTags; def->initialize = objcInitialize; def->selectLanguage = selectors; def->keywordTable = objcKeywordTable; def->keywordCount = ARRAY_SIZE (objcKeywordTable); def->useCork = CORK_QUEUE; return def; }