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Bytes/Term** Based on sampling of Wikipedia documents# of Unique Terms / field# of fields w/ norms Solr SpecificAvg. # of Bytes per Term# of String Sort FieldsField Cache bits/term1 bit per deleted docYSee http://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/lucene-dev?date=2011-09-13 for assumptionsNOTE: This is only an estimator for planning purposes. It is not guaranteed to be accurate nor is it necessarily comprehensive of all memory items in Lucene/Solr# of indexed fields (no norms)TODOAvg. number of terms per query"Avg QueryResultKey size (in bytes)Temp Calcs (Bits)"Estimated Memory for Lucene (bits)LuceneSolrEstimated RAM Usage (MB)+Column stride fields assumes unpacked longsTransient Factor (MB)UTransient Factor accounts for overhead from analysis, flushing, object creation, etc. Estimated Memory for Solr (bits)Queries/# of RAM-based Column Stride Fields (DocValues)Notes,For non-string based sorts, assume long sizeVTODO: How to account for queries? Some large queries can take up a fair bit of memorybFor Solr caching, it assumes a full cache. If this is unlikely in your system, lower the Max Size Lucene and Solr Sizing EstimatordThis tool is designed to help people estimate memory and disk space usage for Lucene and Solr. It allows users to input various assumptions and see how memory and disk space will likely be effected. These estimates are based on defaults in Lucene/Solr and are not necessarily what you will see in your application. In other words, your mileage may vary. Lucene/Solr Disk Usage Estimator Indexed Field Compression Factor# of Indexed Fields# of Stored Fields# of Fields with Term VectorsTotal # of DocumentsDisk Storage Estimate (MB):This is only an estimator for planning purposes. It is not guaranteed to be accurate nor is it necessarily comprehensive of all memory items in Lucene/Solr-Disk Space Needed for Optimize (common case):#It also is a "worst case" estimatorTransient (MB):SThe transient accounts for various things like analysis resources, temp files, etc.Optimize Worst Case*:* The optimize worst case is very unlikely and so far is likely theoretical and would involve a "perfect storm" of indexing eventsQTo get started, select the Sheet below for either memory or disk space estimationzIt also is a "worst case" estimator (particularly for the Solr cache values, as most people don't have full filter caches)B2 23u4|6$79Y;`  PK!pO[Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢]yl#!MB;.n̨̽\A1&ҫ QWKvUbOX#&1`RT9<l#$>r `С-;c=1gMԯNDJ++2a,/$nECA6٥D-ʵ? dXiJF8,nx (MKoP(\HbWϿ})zg'8yV#x'˯?oOz3?^?O?~B,z_=yǿ~xPiL$M>7Ck9I#L nꎊ)f>\<|HL|3.ŅzI2O.&e>Ƈ8qBۙ5toG1sD1IB? }J^wi(#SKID ݠ1eBp{8yC]$f94^c>Y[XE>#{Sq c8 >;-&~ ..R(zy s^Fvԇ$*cߓqrB3' }'g7t4Kf"߇ފAV_] 2H7Hk;hIf;ZX_Fڲe}NM;SIvưõ[H5Dt(?]oQ|fNL{d׀O&kNa4%d8?L_H-Ak1h fx-jWBxlB -6j>},khxd׺rXg([x?eޓϲكkS1'|^=aѱnRvPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-!pO[Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 -_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!0ktheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] qR JK  dMbP?_*+%,",a??U } .,4,A B- C. = < >@@ggD qR %epq  dMbP?_*+%,ME com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMHorizontalRes com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMHorizontalRes 600 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMOrientation com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMOrientation 1 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMScaling com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMScaling 1 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMVerticalRes com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMVerticalRes 600 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMVerticalScaling com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMVerticalScaling 1 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.subTicket.paper_info_ticket PMPPDPaperCodeName com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray PMPPDPaperCodeName Letter com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 PMTiogaPaperName com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray PMTiogaPaperName na-letter com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMAdjustedPageRect com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMAdjustedPageRect 0 0 6116.666666666667 4800 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMAdjustedPaperRect com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMAdjustedPaperRect -150 -150 6450.0000000000009 4950 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMPaperName com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMPaperName na-letter com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMUnadjustedPageRect com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMUnadjustedPageRect 0 0 734 576 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMUnadjustedPaperRect com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PaperInfo.PMUnadjustedPaperRect -18 -18 774 594 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PaperInfo.ppd.PMPaperName com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PaperInfo.ppd.PMPaperName US Letter com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.ticket.APIVersion 00.20 com.apple.print.ticket.type com.apple.print.PaperInfoTicket com.apple.print.ticket.APIVersion 00.20 com.apple.print.ticket.type com.apple.print.PageFormatTicket MzXXjj3Vg(HH(dh "d??U } .} } * }  } *%,,,,,,,, , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, D > >" >>  2@ D@A  !.V@D$A >>>>>>> > > > ~ .A-OBAD D@@ ~ $@ ~ חA  O @P@-9D@@@-@@@@@ ~ @! >@w[A D D ~ >@  ~ ?< A&DD D @@@@ ~ @@ (~    @D    ~ 4@  ~ ?.>AD @@@D ~ @ ~ u_D @D @DD @@DD@D@@@@D@ ~ y@ ~ D ~ @@'>AD $~ $@'A D E) '  @* @# >[>@A!ED D D @D@D@@D@@D@ @%>> @,>> >> @+>>  >  ~ @#@ D ~ i@ ~ @O'B9@D@@D @D@D @ ~ @_@_A ID@@ @@D@D@@D@@ ~ @)pAD@D@D lD@*i}kxMj;GU*{""""Co ,!,$, ~   !~ !'!$D! $>&A$>U+B+D@D@DDD D! 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