# NOSUCHLANG ctags: Unknown language "NOSUCHLANG" in "kinddef-NOSUCHLANG" option # define "a" # no description 1 ctags: found an empty kind description in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # no description 2 ctags: no kind description specified in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # no name 1 ctags: no kind name specified in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # no name 2 ctags: wrong kind definition in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option: no comma after letter # an empty name 1 ctags: the kind name in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option is empty # an empty name 2 ctags: the kind name in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option is empty # wrong letter in name 1 ctags: non-alphanumeric char is used as part of kind name: 'a x' in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # wrong letter in name 2 ctags: non-alphanumeric char is used as part of kind name: 'a x' in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # wrong letter in name 3 ctags: no kind description specified in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # no letter 1 ctags: no kind letter specified in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # no letter 2 ctags: no kind letter specified in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # no letter 3 ctags: no kind letter specified in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # no letter 4 ctags: no kind letter specified in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # no letter 5 ctags: no kind definition specified in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # wrong letter ctags: the kind letter given in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option is not an alphabet # wrong letter (using number) ctags: the kind letter given in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option is not an alphabet # reusing the letter for file kind ctags: the kind letter `F' in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option is reserved for "file" kind # reusing the name for file kind ctags: the kind name file in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option is reserved # inject a flag separator # inject a broken flag separator(1) ctags: Warning: long flags specifier opened with `{' is not closed `}': "{foo" # inject a broken flag separator(2) ctags: Warning: long flags specifier opened with `{' is not closed `}': "{" # use a { in description (1) # use a { in description (2) # use a number char as the initial letter ctags: a kind name doesn't start with an alphabetical character: '0kind' in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # use a number char within the body # use a \ in description # description started from { ctags: found an empty kind description in "--kinddef-MYTEST" option # description started from \{ # _refonly flag